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001-es BibID:BIBFORM100689
Első szerző:Mack, Elizabeth W.
Cím:Predicting activity of the Greek Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii graeca) using environmental data from the Pindos / Elizabeth W. Mack, Stephanos A. Roussos, Maria Dimaki, Edvard Mizsei, Phaedra Kokkini, Llewellyn D. Densmore III
Megjegyzések:Vipera ursinii graeca is a under-studied viper species that inhabits highelevation meadows (1150-2200 m above sea level) in the Pindos Mountain Range of Greece and Albania. Vipera ursinii graeca is currently listed as Data deficient by the IUCN and is protected under the Bern Convention because of threats such as the reduction of suitable habitat (sometimes by anthropogenic alteration of landscapes), illegal collecting, human persecution, and road mortality. For future conservation to be effective, the activity patterns of this species need to be considered when making management decisions in order to reduce mortality and better protect natural populations. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the annual activity cycle of V. u. graeca in this region by correlating observations of individuals across the species' entire distribution and using environmental data collected by dataloggers in Greece over the last year. Based on our observations, we were able to estimate the mean daily temperatures which may dictate the vipers' ingress into hibernation and emergence in the spring, as well as the temperatures when vipers seem to be most active. This activity cycle was then compared to activity cycles reported for V. ursinii populations in Romania, France, Italy, and Montenegro. These preliminary findings will provide managers with information that can help them predict future activity cycles of V. u. graeca and will allow for more targeted conservation efforts when the snakes are most active and exposed.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:4th Biology of the Vipers Conference. - p. 29.
További szerzők:Roussos, Stephanos A. Dimaki, Maria Mizsei Edvárd (1989-) (biológus ökológus) Kokkini, Phaedra Densmore III, Llewellyn D.
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