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001-es BibID:BIBFORM065344
Első szerző:Niini, Tarja
Cím:Expression of myeloid-specific genes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia : a cDNA array study / T. Niini, K. Vettenranta, J. Hollmén, M. L. Larramendy, Y. Aalto, H. Wikman, B. Nagy, J. K. Seppänen, A. Ferrer Salvador, H. Mannila, U. M. Saarinen-Pihkala, S. Knuutila
Megjegyzések:Several specific cytogenetic changes are known to be associated with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and many of them are important prognostic factors for the disease. Little is known, however, about the changes in gene expression in ALL. Recently, the development of cDNA array technology has enabled the study of expression of hundreds to thousands of genes in a single experiment. We used the cDNA array method to study the gene expression profiles of 17 children with precursor-B ALL. Normal B cells from adenoids were used as reference material. We discuss the 25 genes that were most over-expressed compared to the reference. These included four genes that are normally expressed only in the myeloid lineages of the hematopoietic cells: RNASE2, GCSFR, PRTN3 and CLC. We also detected over-expression of S100A12, expressed in nerve cells but also in myeloid cells. In addition to the myeloid-specific genes, other over-expressed genes included AML1, LCP2 and FGF6. In conclusion, our study revealed novel information about gene expression in childhood ALL. The data obtained may contribute to further studies of the pathogenesis and prognosis of childhood ALL.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Leukemia. - 16 : 11 (2002), p. 2213-2221. -
További szerzők:Vettenranta, Kim Hollmén, Jaakko Larramendy, Marcelo L. Aalto, Yan Wikman, Harriet Nagy Bálint (1956-) (molekuláris genetikus) Seppänen, Jouni K. Salvador, Aurora Ferrer Mannila, Heikki Saarinen-Pihkala, Ulla Maija Knuutila, Sakari
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