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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112851
Első szerző:Kiss Attila
Cím:Development of functional sheep and goat milk products and the investigation of functionality in various packaging materials / Attila Kiss, Zoltán Naár, Lajos Daróczi, Erzsébet Némedi, Sándor Kukovics
Megjegyzések:Small mammalian`s milk products can serve as the basics of development of functional foodstuffs whose bioactive compounds are well preserved and the biological uptake is promoted in these media. Sheep and goat milk products (yogurt and smearcase) amended with omega-3 containing oil and inulin were developed in this study. Besides different packaging means we were investigating hygienic status and plausible changes in functionality throughout storage. Yogurt products were filled in polystyrene or polypropylene bottles with in-bottle or in-tank congealing. Smearcase products were packed in shrink foil or in modified atmosphere. Products were amended with 3% inulin and 0.9% omega-3 fatty acid containing oil. Prototypes were stored for 35 days at 5-8 0 C and samples were taken weekly to follow the changes of 6 microbes (Escherichia coli, coliforms, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, moulds, lactic acid bacteria) by cultivation techniques. The amounts of 11 fatty acids were assessed at the start and the end of storage by using gas chromatography. Significant differences were found in hygienic parameters of products made from the same milk-type, but the amount of functional compounds remained almost unchanged. The proliferation of budding yeasts was predominant in the microbiota of yogurt but the addition of omega-3 containing oil decreased it to tenfold lower value. Inulin amendment did not influence the composition of the microbiota. Fatty acid composition of products did not change markedly during the storage, just tridecane and docozane acids were not detectable after 35 days. Snap closured cup gave 6-times higher microbial count in yogurt than the welded one, but it caused no difference in the presence of risk indicator microbes. In case of smearcase application of modified atmosphere did not result in any benefit compared to the shrink foil packaging. Major outcome of study was the development of two different functional milk based product with monitored preserved bioactive compound content. Amounts of beneficial compounds were not decreased significantly throughout 35 days of storage, thus potential physiological impact should be retained. Welded cup closure was more favourable for storage as it promotes the proliferation of bacteria to the least extent.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Sheep and goat milk products
Added omega 3 fatty acid, Increased functional values
Various packaging materials
Megjelenés:Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design. - 7 (2014), p. 174-179. -
További szerzők:Naár Zoltán Daróczi Lajos (1961-) (agrár) Némedi Erzsébet Kukovics Sándor (1950-) (agrár)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112830
035-os BibID:(WOS)000464967100001 (Scopus)85075109478
Első szerző:Kiss Attila
Cím:Changes of free fatty acid composition and number of lactic acid bacteria in three functional goat and sheep milk products fortified with inulin or fish oil / Attila Kiss, Zoltán Naár, Lajos Daróczi, Sándor Kukovics, Ferenc Kukovics, Iman Mirmazloum, Erzsébet Némedi
ISSN:1947-6337 1947-6345
Megjegyzések:Inulin and fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acid were applied to yoghurt, kefir, and smearcase made from goat and sheep milk, and their impact on fatty acid composition was investigated at 8°C throughout 40 days. The number of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was significantly diminished within 16 days, and by the end of the storage period the population size was decreased by 3 orders of magnitude in fish oil fortified samples. In inulin-fortified samples, a significant decrease in LAB number (by 2.5-3 orders of magnitude) was observed just by the end of the storage time, while the amount of unsaturated free fatty acids was increased. The extent of lipolysis and the resulted amount of free fatty acids exhibited varying feature depending on the composition of the product. Goat and sheep milk products exhibit analogous trends in terms of change in fatty acid composition with one exception: the ratio of free C16:0 was increased by 10% for goat milk products, while for the sheep milk products only by 3%. Ratio of C16:0 did not change during storage of sheep yoghurt as a result of inulin fortification. In contrast, 13% increase of this parameter was observed in case of the product variant prepared with fish oil addition. It might be stated that fortification with prebiotics can be regarded as a better way to improve the biological value of dairy products than that with fish oil.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Functional dairy products
Fortification with inulin and fish oil
Fatty acid composition
LAB number
Diverse packaging methods
Megjelenés:CyTA - Journal of Food. - 17 : 1 (2019), p. 51-59. -
További szerzők:Naár Zoltán Daróczi Lajos (1961-) (agrár) Kukovics Sándor (1950-) (agrár) Kukovics Ferenc Mirmazloum, Iman Némedi Erzsébet
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112831
Első szerző:Némedi Erzsébet
Cím:Optimized technology, storage changes in microbial parameters and functionality of goat milk products amended with inulin or omega-3 fatty acid containing oil / E. Némedi ; Z. Naár ; L. Daróczi ; S. Kukovics ; A. Kiss
Megjegyzések:Goat and sheep milk products are known carriers of health promoting compounds of both natural and industrial origin. However, amendments with these compounds may cause changes in the microbiota of the products, influencing the amounts of functional compounds and the potential biological activity of the food. The effects of technological parameters on the application of omega-3 containing oil or inulin were investigated. Analyses were made of changes in six microbial parameters, fatty acid composition and prebiotic activity during 35 days of storage at 5?8 ?C in various storage materials. There was no marked difference between goat and sheep milk in the applicability of functional compounds. Among technological parameters, the congelation time increased by 5 percent following the addition of omega-3 containing oil. The insufficient dispergation of oil caused taste failure and greyish discolouring and could be avoided through higher-rev mixing for a shorter time - no more than five minutes. To eliminate microbial contamination of the inulin preparate of 102/g, it was mixed into the basic milk with an industrial mixer before pasteurization for yoghurt processing.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Sustainable goat breeding and goat farming in Central and Eastern European countries : European regional conference on goats 7-13 April 2014 / ed. by Sandor Kukovics. - p. 257-263. -
További szerzők:Naár Zoltán Daróczi Lajos (1961-) (agrár) Kukovics Sándor (1950-) (agrár) Kiss Attila
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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