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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116530
035-os BibID:(WoS)001142439600001 (scopus)85177696261
Első szerző:Sipos Dávid
Cím:Reduced burnout in medical and health science students during the pandemic COVID-19 : a follow-up study of a single institution in Hungary / Sipos David, Biro Anett Anna, Busa Flora, Freihat Omar, Tollár József, Pandur Attila András, Kovács Árpád, Deutsch Krisztina, Csima Melinda Petőné
Megjegyzések:Background The coronavirus pandemic has significantly impacted lives worldwide, especially of medical and health science students. In Hungary, education has been relegated to the online space, with a substantial proportion of students having to attend medical secondments. Increased stress, uncertainty, and the presence of medical secondments can have an impact on students' premature burnout. Methods In 2021, we conducted a follow-up survey among students of the University of Pécs studying medicine and health sciences in two data collection periods (from March to May and September to November). Our online questionnaire consisted of the Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey for Students and our self-designed questionnaire. We used descriptive and paired two-sample t-tests for data analysis at a 95% confidence interval (p <= 0.05). Results We excluded from our survey respondents whose data we could not follow-up; finally, 183 students' responses were analyzed. The majority of students were female (n=148; 80.9%). Overall, there was a significant decrease in both exhaustion (EX) and cynicism (CY) scores (p=0.001; p=0.004). Female respondents had higher EX scores, but a significant decrease was observed for both genders (p?0.05). Excluding paramedic students, a significant decrease in EX scores was observed for the specialties we studied (p <= 0.05). General medicine students' CY scores decreased; physiotherapy students' profesisonal efficacy (PE) scores increased significantly (p <= 0.05). Students who were on medical secondments (n=127; 69. 4%) were found to be more affected by burnout, but in all cases, these scores significantly improved (p <= 0.05). Students serving in the National Ambulance Service (n=76; 41.5%), Hospitals (n=44; 24.0%), or both (n=7; 3.8%) had a significant decrease in their burnout score (p <= 0.05). Students who served in either a hospital or a hospital and National Ambulance Service had significantly improved CY and PE scores (p <= 0.05). Students concerned about their health had elevated EX and CY scores, which also improved (p <= 0.05).
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Maslach burnout inventory general survey for students scale
Megjelenés:BMC Medical Education. - 23 : 1 (2023), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Biró Anett Anna Busa Flóra Freihat, Omar Tollár József Pandur Attila András Kovács Árpád (1979-) (onkoradiológus, klinikai onkológus) Deutsch Krisztina Petőné Csima Melinda
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