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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070985
Első szerző:Priskin Katalin
Cím:Mitochondrial sequence variation in ancient horses from the Carpathian Basin and possible modern relatives / Priskin Katalin, Szabó Krisztián, Tömöry Gyöngyvér, Bogácsi-Szabó Erika, Csányi Bernadett, Eördögh Réka, Downes C. S., Raskó István
Megjegyzések:Movements of human populations leave their traces in the genetic makeup of the areas affected; the same applies to the horses that move with their owners This study is concerned with the mitochondrial control region genotypes of 31 archaeological horse remains, excavated from pre-conquest Avar and post-conquest Hungarian burial sites in the Carpathian Basin dating from the sixth to the tenth century. To investigate relationships to other ancient and recent breeds, modern Hucul and Akhal Teke samples were also collected, and mtDNA control region (CR) sequences from 76 breeds representing 921 individual specimens were combined with our sequence data. Phylogenetic relationships among horse mtDNA CR haplotypes were estimated using both genetic distance and the non-dichotomous network method. Both methods indicated a separation between horses of the Avars and the Hungarians. Our results show that the ethnic changes induced by the Hungarian Conquest were accompanied by a corresponding change in the stables of the Carpathian Basin.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
mtDNA control region
Carpathian Basin
Genetic variation
Ancient DNA
Megjelenés:Genetica 138 : 2 (2010), p. 211-218. -
További szerzők:Szabó Krisztián (1975-) (zoológus) Tömöry Gyöngyvér Bogácsi-Szabó Erika Csányi Bernadett Eördögh Réka Downes, C. S. Raskó István
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