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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123309
Első szerző:Buday Andrea
Cím:Grime's ecological strategies reveal contrasting patterns in alkaline and loess grasslands / Andrea McIntosh-Buday, Judit Sonkoly, Attila Molnár, Katalin Szél-Tóth, Viktória Törő-Szijgyártó, Szilvia Madar, Evelin Károlyi, Patricia Elizabeth Díaz Cando, Gergely Kovacsics-Vári, Béla Tóthmérész, Péter Török
Megjegyzések:Studying the relationship between biodiversity patterns and processes in vegetation has been at the centre of interest in vegetation ecology for several decades. By studying the biomass of loess and alkaline grasslands along a water and salinity gradient, we aimed to analyse species diversity and Grime`s competitor-stress tolerator-ruderal (CSR) functional strategy patterns. We aimed to test the following hypotheses: i) The biomass and species richness scores and the species composition are significantly different between the sampled grassland community types. ii) The sampled communities are well separated based on the CSR strategy spectrum. iii) The amount of green biomass and litter are positively correlated with competitiveness and negatively with stress tolerance. The biomass and species richness scores and the species composition of the sampled communities along the sampled gradients were significantly different; the highest species richness, evenness and Shannon diversity values were found in loess grasslands. The highest level of litter accumulation was found in alkaline meadows. The communities were well separated in the ordinations but surprisingly, calculation of coordinates for CSR strategy types have not shown clear separation of the grassland community types. All the communities were proven to be characterised by a high level of stress (located in the right corner of the CSR ternary diagram), but they markedly differed in the magnitude of competition and levels of disturbance expressed in the differences of ruderality. These results might suggest that even in highly stressed communities the community composition is strongly dependent on the differences in disturbance intensity (e.g., intensity and duration of grazing) and it is also strongly influenced by the competitive ability of constituting species.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Global Ecology and Conservation. - 54 (2024), p. 1-13. -
További szerzők:Sonkoly Judit (1989-) (biológus) Molnár Attila (1964-) (biológus) Tóth Katalin (1988-) (biológus) Törő-Szijgyártó Viktória Madar Szilvia Károlyi Evelin Cando, P. Díaz Kovacsics-Vári Gergely Tóthmérész Béla (1960-) (ökológus) Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:ÚNKP-23-3-I
KKP 144068
K 137573
PD 137747
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM071390
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)459 (WoS)000416795600054 (Scopus)85035026074
Első szerző:Molnár Attila (biológus)
Cím:Identification of floral relicts based on spatial distance of isolation / Attila Molnár, Zsolt Végvári, Béla Tóthmérész
Megjegyzések:The identification of climatic relicts is seldom straightforward. These species are threatenedowing to current climatic trends, which underlines the importance of carrying out ecologicaland biogeographic investigations of them. Here we introduce a novel approach to improve theidentification of climatic relicts. We are focusing on thermophilic relict plants of the Pannonianbiogeographic region from the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM). We argue that a minimalmean annual temperature difference (MATD) of the HTM compared to the recent climate alloweda continuous northward expansion for the taxa investigated. We measured latitudinal distancesbetween the recent occurrences of relicts and those of the main distribution found further south.Regarding estimates for MATD (1.0?2.5 C), we only consider species with a distribution which has a150?350 km North-South gap, since a latitudinally directed distance can be translated into temperature,showing a poleward cooling trend. Of the 15 selected species, 12 were recorded with values of1.0?1.7 C MATD, and three with values of 1.8?2.5 C, some of which are presumably interglacialspecies. Woody species are over-represented among them (four species), using the Hungarian floraas a reference. The proposed method allows the prediction of potential climate-related changes in thefuture distribution of species, constrained by the topographic features of their habitats.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
thermal relicts
Holocene Thermal Maximum
Pannonian region
Megjelenés:Forests. - 8 : 11 (2017), p. 1-13. -
További szerzők:Végvári Zsolt (1969-) (biológus) Tóthmérész Béla (1960-) (ökológus)
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA-116639
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