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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074794
035-os BibID:(WoS)000447365100097 (Scopus)85052651287
Első szerző:Erdei Tamás Dániel (kísérletes farmakológus)
Cím:FSCPX, a chemical widely used as an irreversible A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, modifies the effect of NBTI, a nucleoside transport inhibitor, by reducing the interstitial adenosine level in the guinea pig atrium / Tamas Erdei, Adrienn Monika Szabo, Nora Lampe, Katalin Szabo, Rita Kiss, Judit Zsuga, Csaba Papp, Akos Pinter, Andras Jozsef Szentmiklosi, Zoltan Szilvassy, Bela Juhasz, Rudolf Gesztelyi
Megjegyzések:Based on in silico results, recently we have assumed that FSCPX, an irreversible A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, inhibits the action of NBTI that is apparent on E/c curves of adenosine receptor agonists. As a mechanism for this unexpected effect, we hypothesized that FSCPX might modify the equilibrative and NBTI-sensitive nucleoside transporter (ENT1) in a way that it allows ENT1 to transport adenosine but impedes NBTI to inhibit this transport. This assumption implies that our method developed to estimate receptor reserve for agonists with short half-life such as adenosine, in its original form, overestimates the receptor reserve. In this study, therefore, our goals were to experimentally test our assumption on this effect of FSCPX, to improve our receptor reserve-estimating method, and then to compare the original and improved forms of this method. Thus, we improved our method and assessed the receptor reserve for the direct negative inotropic effect of adenosine with both forms of this method in guinea pig atria. We have found that FSCPX inhibits the effects of NBTI that are mediated by increasing the interstitial concentration of adenosine of endogenous (but not exogenous) origin. As a mechanism for this action of FSCPX, inhibition of enzymes participating in the interstitial adenosine production can be hypothesized, while modification of ENT1 can be excluded. Furthermore, we have shown that, in comparison with the improved form, the original version of our method overestimates receptor reserve, but only to a small extent. Nevertheless, use of the improved form is recommended in the future.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
A1 adenosine receptor
receptorial responsiveness method
Megjelenés:Molecules. - 23 : 9 (2018), p. 1-17. -
További szerzők:Szabó Adrienn Mónika (1982-) (orvos) Lampé Nóra Szabó Katalin (1989-) (táplálkozástudományi szakember) Kiss Rita (1974-) (laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Zsuga Judit (1973-) (neurológus, pszichoterapeuta, egészségügyi szakmanager) Papp Csaba (1966-) (aneszteziológus és intenzív terápiás szakorvos) Pintér Ákos (1967-) (matematikus) Szentmiklósi József András (1948-) (farmakológus, klinikai laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szilvássy Zoltán (1957-) (belgyógyász, farmakológus, klinikai farmakológus) Juhász Béla (1978-) (kísérletes farmakológus) Gesztelyi Rudolf (1969-) (kísérletes farmakológus)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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