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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114435
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)1602 (WoS)001078159700001 (Scopus)85172285273
Első szerző:Kovács Anna Rebeka (általános orvos)
Cím:Recovery of the Decreased Phagocytic Function of Peripheral Monocytes and Neutrophil Granulocytes following Cytoreductive Surgery in Advanced Stage Epithelial Ovarian Cancer / Kovács Anna Rebeka, Lukács Luca, Pál László, Szűcs Sándor, Kovács Kincső Sára, Lampé Rudolf
ISSN:1010-660X 1648-9144
Megjegyzések:(1) Monocytes and neutrophil granulocytes are the phagocytic cells of the innate immune system, playing a crucial role in recognizing and eliminating tumor-transformed cells. Our objective was to assess the impact of advanced-stage epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) and cytoreductive surgery on the phagocytic function of peripheral monocytes and neutrophil granulocytes. We aimed to compare the pre- and postoperative phagocytic function of these immune cells in EOC patients with healthy control women. Additionally, we aimed to examine the influence of surgery on phagocytic function by comparing pre- and postoperative samples from patients with benign gynecological tumors. (2) We examined peripheral blood samples from 20 patients with FIGO IIIC stage high-grade serous EOC and 16 patients with benign gynecological tumors as surgical controls, collected before and seven days after tumor removal surgery, and from 14 healthy women. After separation, the cells were incubated with Zymosan-A particles, and the phagocytic index (PI) was assessed using immunofluorescence microscopy. One-way ANOVA, the Kruskal?Wallis H-test, and the paired samples t-test were used for the statistical analysis of the data. A significance level of p < 0.05 was applied. (3) Peripheral monocytes and neutrophils from EOC patients exhibited significantly lower preoperative PI values compared to healthy controls (p < 0.001; p < 0.001, respectively). Following cytoreductive surgery, the PI values of immune cells in EOC patients significantly increased by the 7th postoperative day (p < 0.001; p < 0.001), reaching levels comparable to those of healthy controls (p = 0.700 and p = 0.991). In contrast, there was no significant disparity in the PI values of cells obtained from pre- and postoperative blood samples of surgical controls when compared to healthy women (monocytes: p = 0.361 and p = 0.303; neutrophils: p = 0.150 and p = 0.235). (4) EOC and/or its microenvironment may produce factors that reduce the phagocytic function of monocytes and neutrophils, and the production of these factors may be reduced or eliminated after tumor removal.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
ovarian cancer
neutrophil granulocyte
Megjelenés:Medicina. - 59 : 9 (2023), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Lukács Luca (1995-) (hallgató) Pál László (1987-) (népegészségügyi szakember, egészségfejlesztő) Szűcs Sándor (1958-) (biokémikus, vegyész) Kovács Kincső Sára Lampé Rudolf (1983-) (szülész-nőgyógyász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102758
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)925 (WOS)000832003000001 (Scopus)85135101139
Első szerző:Lukács Luca (hallgató)
Cím:Evaluating the Phagocytic Index of Peripheral Leukocytes in Endometriosis by Plasma Experiments / Lukács Luca, Kovács Anna Rebeka, Pál László, Szűcs Sándor, Lampé Rudolf
ISSN:1010-660X 1648-9144
Megjegyzések:Background and Objectives: Endometriosis is a benign, chronic disease, that negatively influences the quality of life of affected women and is responsible for a remarkable amount of infertility. The pathophysiology of the disease is still not clarified, but the insufficient immune surveillance plays a significant role in it. The phagocyte function of innate immune cells may play a role in the elimination of ectopic endometrium. The purpose of this study is to examine the phagocyte function of neutrophil granulocytes and monocytes, incubated in heat-inactivated and not-inactivated plasma samples from healthy women and from women with endometriosis before and after the surgical treatment. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from eight preoperative and eight postoperative patients with endometriosis before and after the surgical treatment, and from 16 healthy patients as controls. Neutrophil granulocytes, monocytes and blood plasma samples were isolated. Cells were incubated in different plasma samples, and the phagocytic index was determined with a fluorescence microscope. Results: The phagocytic index of granulocytes and monocytes isolated from patients with endometriosis was significantly decreased compared to healthy women after the cells were incubated in their own plasma. Preoperatively isolated cells from patients with endometriosis demonstrated an improved phagocyte function after incubating them in plasma samples from healthy controls. In contrast, the phagocytic activity of cells from healthy women significantly reduced after being incubated in the plasma of preoperative endometriosis patients. The heat-inactivation of plasma samples did not affect the results. Conclusions: Active endometriosis lesions may produce heat-stable systemic immunomodulatory factors, which reduced the phagocyte function of peripheral monocytes and neutrophil granulocytes. The phagocyte function of these cells can be normalized after the complete surgical removal of endometriosis, which then demonstrates similar values as in healthy women.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
innate immunity
phagocyte function
plasma experiment
neutrophil granulocyte
Megjelenés:Medicina. - 58 : 7 (2022), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Kovács Anna Rebeka (1993-) (általános orvos) Pál László (1987-) (népegészségügyi szakember, egészségfejlesztő) Szűcs Sándor (1958-) (biokémikus, vegyész) Lampé Rudolf (1983-) (szülész-nőgyógyász)
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