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001-es BibID:BIBFORM118517
035-os BibID:(WoS)001051761900001 (Scopus)85168326504
Első szerző:Juhász Edit
Cím:Multilevel climatic responses in migratory insects / Edit Juhász,Zoltán Németh, Ádám Gór, Zsolt Végvári
Megjegyzések:Evidence is mounting that migration in ectotherms is more widespread than formerly believed. Thus, a number of insects living in temperate climates, including locusts, butterflies, moths and dragonflies, following seasonal migration strategies show high responsiveness to alterations in climatic processes, similar to a broad taxonomic range of birds. On global scales, migratory insects include iconic large butterflies, dragonflies and also a number of crop pests. However, insect migrations are ecologically distinct from those of vertebrates, often relying heavily on seasonal winds and multiple generations to complete a full annual cycle, due to short insect life spans. Here, we review publicly available online resources to identify key patterns of spatial, taxonomic scales and complexity of climatic responsiveness to environmental predictors in migratory insects. We found that migratory insects respond to various levels of complexity in climatic patterns, and these responses are predicted by life history and ecological traits: (i) responses to climatic effect type were predicted by climate zone(s) of the distribution area, whereas (ii) response to climatic complexity was predicted by body size. In conclusion, migratory insects respond to various levels of complexity in climatic processes, and this responsiveness is governed by a substantially wider array of environmental predictors than demonstrated in vertebrates.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
climatic responsiveness
climatic scales
ecological predictors
migratory insects
Megjelenés:Ecological Entomology. - 48 : 6 (2023), p. 755-764. -
További szerzők:Németh Zoltán (1976-) (biológus) Gór Ádám Végvári Zsolt (1969-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:FK 124414
Bolyai János Kutatási Ösztöndíj
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM087511
Első szerző:Kiss Johanna (zoológus)
Cím:Differential movement and activity patterns of sexes in a biparental beetle during the reproductive season / Kiss Johanna, Németh Zoltán, Kosztolányi András, Barta Zoltán
Megjegyzések:Biparental care is stabilised if parents perform different tasks during care. Specialised parental roles may require different time and energy budgets that in turn are expected to influence the activity and space use of sexes. Here we investigate movement patterns of the biparental Lethrus apterus beetle using a grid of pitfall traps in their natural habitat. Sexes of the burrow building L. apterus perform different roles during caregiving, as females collect most of the leaves, which serve as food for the offspring while paired males stay mostly in the burrow. We hypothesised that sex differences in mate search and parental activities are reflected in movement patterns. We found that females frequently travelled short distances, whereas males were detected less often but when detected, they travelled significantly longer distances than females. Our results are consistent with the notion that efficient parental food provisioning requires more localised movement and activity patterns. Furthermore, the long distance movements of some males may indicate active mate searching behaviour.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Biparental care
movement activity
sex role
Megjelenés:Ecological Entomology. - 45 : 6 (2020), p. 1504-1508. -
További szerzők:Németh Zoltán (1976-) (biológus) Kosztolányi András (1971-) (biológus) Barta Zoltán (1967-) (biológus, zoológus)
Pályázati támogatás:K 112670
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