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001-es BibID:BIBFORM096697
035-os BibID:(WoS)000712349900017 (Scopus)85118837354
Első szerző:Jakab Ágnes (biológus)
Cím:Transcriptional profiling of the Candida auris response to exogenous farnesol exposure / Ágnes Jakab, Noémi Balla, Ágota Ragyák, Fruzsina Nagy, Fruzsina Kovács, Zsófi Sajtos, Zoltán Tóth, Andrew M. Borman, István Pócsi, Edina Baranyai, László Majoros, Renátó Kovács
Megjegyzések:The antifungal resistance threat posed by Candida auris necessitates bold and innovative therapeutic options. Farnesol, a quorum-sensing molecule with a potential antifungal and/or adjuvant effect; it may be a promising candidate in alternative treatment regimens. To gain further insights into the farnesol-related effect on C. auris, genome-wide gene transcription analysis was performed using RNA-Seq. Farnesol exposure resulted in 1,766 differentially expressed genes. Of these, 447 and 304 genes with at least 1.5-fold increase or decrease in transcription, respectively, were selected for further investigation. Genes involved in morphogenesis, biofilm events (maturation and dispersion), gluconeogenesis, iron metabolism, and regulation of RNA biosynthesis showed down-regulation, whereas those related to antioxidative defense, transmembrane transport, glyoxylate cycle, fatty acid ?-oxidation, and peroxisome processes were up-regulated. In addition, farnesol treatment increased the transcription of certain efflux pump genes, including MDR1, CDR1, and CDR2. Growth, measured by change in CFU number, was significantly inhibited within 2 hours of the addition of farnesol (5.8?107?1.1?107 and 1.1?107?0.3?107 CFU/ml for untreated control and farnesol-exposed cells, respectively) (p<0.001). In addition, farnesol treatment caused a significant reduction in intracellular iron (152.2?21.1 vs. 116.0?10.0 mg/kg), manganese (67.9?5.1 vs. 18.6?1.8 mg/kg), and zinc (787.8?22.2 vs. 245.8?34.4 mg/kg) (p<0.05?0.001) compared to untreated control cells, whereas the level of cooper was significantly increased (274.6?15.7 vs. 828.8?106.4 mg/kg) (p<0.001). Our data demonstrate that farnesol significantly influences the growth, intracellular metal ion contents, and gene transcription related to fatty acid metabolism, which could open new directions in developing alternative therapies against C. auris.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:mSphere. - 6 : 5 (2021), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Balla Noémi (1998-) (mikrobiológus) Ragyák Ágota (1997) (vegyészmérnök) Nagy Fruzsina (1991-) (molekuláris biológus) Kovács Fruzsina (2000-) (molekuláris biológus, biotechnológus) Sajtos Zsófi (1994-) (kémikus, okleveles analitikus vegyész) Tóth Zoltán (1990-) (molekuláris biológus) Borman, Andrew M. Pócsi István (1961-) (vegyész) Baranyai Edina (1987-) (környezetkutató) Majoros László (1966-) (szakorvos, klinikai mikrobiológus) Kovács Renátó László (1987-) (molekuláris biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00009
Internet cím:DOI
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