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001-es BibID:BIBFORM085987
Első szerző:Ferguson, Eamonn
Cím:Blood donor behaviour, motivations and the need for a systematic cross-cultural perspective: the example of moral outrage and health- and non-health-based philanthropy across seven countries / Eamonn Ferguson, Laszlo Dorner, Christopher R. France, Janis L. France, Barbara Masser, Michael Lam, Elena Marta, Sara Alfieri, Eva?Maria Merz, Byron Adams, Elisabeth Huis in 't Veld, Josianne Scerri
Megjegyzések:Background Blood donation is a prosocial altruistic act that is motived by the mechanisms that underlie altruism (e.g. warm-glow, reciprocity, fairness/trust).Because there is consistent evidence that altruism and its mechanisms show cross-cultural variability, in the present paper we make the case for a cross-cultural perspective in blood donor research. Methods We analyse a subset of variables from a larger study, with samples drawn from seven countries (England, Malta, the Netherlands, Australia, the USA, Hungary, Italy: average N per country = 282). This subset of variables focuses on health (organ donor registration) and non-health (volunteering, donating money) philanthropy, family traditions of helping and moral outrage as predictors of blood donor status. Results We show two cross-cultural universals: (1) organ donor registration in opt-in countries is positively associated with blood donor status and (2) nonhealth philanthropy is generally unrelated to blood donor status. We also show two country-specific effects: (1) a family tradition for helping is associated with blood donor status in Italy only and (2) moral outrage is a predictor only in the USA. Conclusions We contend that these findings provide proof of principle why a cross-cultural perspective on blood donor behaviour is needed.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Pszichológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
blood collection
donor motivation
donor psychology
donor recruitment
Megjelenés:ISBT Science Series. - 13 : 4 (2018), p. 375-383. -
További szerzők:Dorner László (1987-) (pszichológus, pszichológia tanár) France, Christopher R. France, Janis L. Masser, Barbara Lam, Michael Marta, Elena Alfieri, Sara Merz, Eva-Maria Adams, Byron Huis in 't Veld, Elisabeth Scerri, Josianne
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