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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113466
035-os BibID:(scopus)85146191576 (wos)000928441600001
Első szerző:Charalampous, Periklis
Cím:Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom : a review of methodological design choices / Charalampous Periklis, Haagsma Juanita A., Jakobsen Lea S., Gorasso Vanessa, Noguer Isabel, Padron-Monedero Alicia, Sarmiento Rodrigo, Santos Joao Vasco, McDonald Scott A., Plass Dietrich, Wyper Grant M. A., Assuncao Ricardo, von der Lippe Elena, Ádám Balázs, AlKerwi Ala'a, Arabloo Jalal, Baltazar Ana Lúcia, Bikbov Boris, Borrell-Pages Maria, Brus Iris, Burazeri Genc, Chaintoutis Serafeim C., Chen-Xu José, Chkhaberidze Nino, Cilovic-Lagarija Seila, Corso Barbara, Cuschieri Sarah, Di Bari Carlotta, Dopelt Keren, Economou Mary, Emeto Theophilus I., Fantke Peter, Fischer Florian, Freitas Alberto, García-González Juan Manuel, Gazzelloni Federica, Gissler Mika, Gkitakou Artemis, Gulmez Hakan, Gunes Sezgin, Haller Sebastian, Haneef Romana, Hincapié Cesar A., Hynds Paul, Idavain Jane, Ilic Milena, Ilic Irena, Isola Gaetano, Kabir Zubair, Kamusheva Maria, Kolkhir Pavel, Konar Naime Meric, Kostoulas Polychronis, Kulimbet Mukhtar, La Vecchia Carlo, Lauriola Paolo, Levi Miriam, Majer Marjeta, Mechili Enkeleint A., Monasta Lorenzo, Mondello Stefania, Munoz Laguna Javier, Nena Evangelia, Ng Edmond S. W., Nguewa Paul, Niranjan Vikram, Nola Iskra Alexandra, O'Caoimh Rónán, Obradovic Marija, Pallari Elena, Peyroteo Mariana, Pinheiro Vera, Pranjic Nurka, Reina Ortiz Miguel, Riva Silvia, Santoso Cornelia Melinda Adi, Santric Milicevic Milena, Schmitt Tugce, Speybroeck Niko, Sprügel Maximilian, Steiropoulos Paschalis, Stevanovic Aleksandar, Thygesen Lau Caspar, Tozija Fimka, Unim Brigid, Bektas Uysal Hilal, Varga Orsolya, Vasic Milena, Vieira Rafael José, Yigit Vahit, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Pires Sara M.
Megjegyzések:This systematic literature review aimed to provide an overview of the characteristics and methods used in studies applying the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) concept for infectious diseases within European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA)/European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries and the United Kingdom. Electronic databases and grey literature were searched for articles reporting the assessment of DALY and its components. We considered studies in which researchers performed DALY calculations using primary epidemiological data input sources. We screened 3053 studies of which 2948 were excluded and 105 studies met our inclusion criteria. Of these studies, 22 were multi-country and 83 were single-country studies, of which 46 were from the Netherlands. Food- and water-borne diseases were the most frequently studied infectious diseases. Between 2015 and 2022, the number of burden of infectious disease studies was 1.6 times higher compared to that published between 2000 and 2014. Almost all studies (97%) estimated DALYs based on the incidence- and pathogen-based approach and without social weighting functions; however, there was less methodological consensus with regards to the disability weights and life tables that were applied. The number of burden of infectious disease studies undertaken across Europe has increased over time. Development and use of guidelines will promote performing burden of infectious disease studies and facilitate comparability of the results.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Epidemiology And Infection. - 151 (2023), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Haagsma, Juanita A. Jakobsen, Lea S. Gorasso, Vanessa Noguer, Isabel Padron-Monedero, Alicia Sarmiento, Rodrigo Santos, Joăo Vasco McDonald, Scott A. Plass, Dietrich Wyper, Grant M. A. Assuncao, Ricardo von der Lippe, Elena Ádám Balázs (1973-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) AlKerwi, Ala'a Arabloo, Jalal Baltazar, Ana Lúcia Bikbov, Boris Borrell-Pages, Maria Brus, Iris Burazeri, Genc Chaintoutis, Serafeim C. Chen-Xu, José Chkhaberidze, Nino Cilovic-Lagarija, Seila Corso, Barbara Cuschieri, Sarah Di Bari, Carlotta Dopelt, Keren Economou, Mary Emeto, Theophilus I. Fantke, Peter Fischer, Florian Freitas, Alberto García-González, Juan Manuel Gazzelloni, Federica Gissler, Mika Gkitakou, Artemis Gulmez, Hakan Gunes, Sezgin Haller, Sebastian Haneef, Romana Hincapié, Cesar A. Hynds, Paul Idavain, Jane Ilic, Milena Ilic, Irena Isola, Gaetano Kabir, Zubair Kamusheva, Maria Kolkhir, Pavel Konar, Naime Meriç Kostoulas, Polychronis Kulimbet, Mukhtar La Vecchia, Carlo Lauriola, Paolo Levi, Miriam Majer, Marjeta Mechili, Enkeleint Aggelos Monasta, Lorenzo Mondello, Stefania Munoz, Javier Nena, Evangelia Ng, Edmond S. W. Nguewa, Paul Niranjan, Vikram Nola, Iskra Alexandra O'Caoimh, Rónán Obradovic, Marija Pallari, Elena Peyroteo, Mariana Pinheiro, Vera Pranjic, Nurka Reina Ortiz, Miguel Riva, Silvia Santoso, Cornelia Melinda Adi (1993-) Santric-Milicevic, Milena Schmitt, Tugce Speybroeck, Niko Sprügel, Maximilian Steiropoulos, Paschalis Stevanovic, Aleksandar Thygesen, Lau Caspar Tozija, Fimka Unim, Brigid Bektas Uysal, Hilal Varga Orsolya (1977-) (orvos, jogász) Vasic, Milena Vieira, Rafael José Yigit, Vahit Devleesschauwer, Brecht Pires, Sara M.
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM103972
035-os BibID:(scopus)85136057023 (wos)000842407600002 (cikkazonosító)1564
Első szerző:Charalampous, Periklis
Cím:Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe : a systematic literature review / Charalampous Periklis, Pallari Elena, Gorasso Vanessa, von der Lippe Elena, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Pires Sara M., Plass Dietrich, Idavain Jane, Ngwa Che Henry, Noguer Isabel, Padron-Monedero Alicia, Sarmiento Rodrigo, Majdan Marek, Ádám Balázs, AlKerwi Ala'a, Cilovic-Lagarija Seila, Clarsen Benjamin, Corso Barbara, Cuschieri Sarah, Dopelt Keren, Economou Mary, Fischer Florian, Freitas Alberto, García-González Juan Manuel, Gazzelloni Federica, Gkitakou Artemis, Gulmez Hakan, Hynds Paul, Isola Gaetano, Jakobsen Lea S., Kabir Zubair, Kissimova-Skarbek Katarzyna, Knudsen Ann Kristin, Konar Naime Meric, Ladeira Carina, Lassen Brian, Liew Aaron, Majer Marjeta, Mechili Enkeleint A., Mereke Alibek, Monasta Lorenzo, Mondello Stefania, Morgado Joana Nazaré, Nena Evangelia, Ng Edmond S. W., Niranjan Vikram, Nola Iskra Alexandra, O'Caoimh Rónán, Petrou Panagiotis, Pinheiro Vera, Ortiz Miguel Reina, Riva Silvia, Samouda Hanen, Santos Joao Vasco, Santoso Cornelia Melinda Adi, Milicevic Milena Santric, Skempes Dimitrios, Sousa Ana Catarina, Speybroeck Niko, Tozija Fimka, Unim Brigid, Uysal Hilal Bektas, Vaccaro Fabrizio Giovanni, Varga Orsolya, Vasic Milena, Violante Francesco Saverio, Wyper Grant M. A., Polinder Suzanne, Haagsma Juanita A.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Bmc Public Health. - 22 : 1 (2022), p. 1-15. -
További szerzők:Pallari, Elena Gorasso, Vanessa von der Lippe, Elena Devleesschauwer, Brecht Pires, Sara M. Plass, Dietrich Idavain, Jane Ngwa, Che Henry Noguer, Isabel Padron-Monedero, Alicia Sarmiento, Rodrigo Majdan, Marek Ádám Balázs (1973-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) AlKerwi, Ala'a Cilovic-Lagarija, Seila Clarsen, Benjamin Corso, Barbara Cuschieri, Sarah Dopelt, Keren Economou, Mary Fischer, Florian Freitas, Alberto García-González, Juan Manuel Gazzelloni, Federica Gkitakou, Artemis Gulmez, Hakan Hynds, Paul Isola, Gaetano Jakobsen, Lea S. Kabir, Zubair Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna Knudsen, Ann Kristin Konar, Naime Meriç Ladeira, Carina Lassen, Brian Liew, Aaron Majer, Marjeta Mechili, Enkeleint Aggelos Mereke, Alibek Monasta, Lorenzo Mondello, Stefania Morgado, Joana Nazaré Nena, Evangelia Ng, Edmond S. W. Niranjan, Vikram Nola, Iskra Alexandra O'Caoimh, Rónán Petrou, Panagiotis Pinheiro, Vera Ortiz, Miguel Reina Riva, Silvia Samouda, Hanen Santos, Joăo Vasco Santoso, Cornelia Melinda Adi (1993-) Milicevic, Milena Santric Skempes, Dimitrios Sousa, Ana Catarina Speybroeck, Niko Tozija, Fimka Unim, Brigid Uysal, Hilal Bektaș Vaccaro, Fabrizio Giovanni Varga Orsolya (1977-) (orvos, jogász) Vasic, Milena Violante, Francesco Saverio Wyper, Grant M. A. Polinder, Suzanne Haagsma, Juanita A.
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123759
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85162969429 (WOS)001033304900001
Első szerző:Gorasso, Vanessa
Cím:Burden of disease attributable to risk factors in European countries: a scoping literature review / Vanessa Gorasso, Joana Nazaré Morgado, Periklis Charalampous, Balázs Ádám, Cornelia Melinda Adi Santoso, Orsolya Varga
Megjegyzések:Objectives: Within the framework of the burden of disease (BoD) approach, disease and injury burden estimates attributable to risk factors are a useful guide for policy formulation and priority setting in disease prevention. Considering the important differences in methods, and their impact on burden estimates, we conducted a scoping literature review to: (1) map the BoD assessments including risk factors performed across Europe; and (2) identify the methodological choices in comparative risk assessment (CRA) and risk assessment methods. Methods: We searched multiple literature databases, including grey literature websites and targeted public health agencies websites. Results: A total of 113 studies were included in the synthesis and further divided into independent BoD assessments (54 studies) and studies linked to the Global Burden of Disease (59 papers). Our results showed that the methods used to perform CRA varied substantially across independent European BoD studies. While there were some methodological choices that were more common than others, we did not observe patterns in terms of country, year or risk factor. Each methodological choice can affect the comparability of estimates between and within countries and/or risk factors, since they might significantly influence the quantification of the attributable burden. From our analysis we observed that the use of CRA was less common for some types of risk factors and outcomes. These included environmental and occupational risk factors, which are more likely to use bottom-up approaches for health outcomes where disease envelopes may not be available. Conclusions: Our review also highlighted misreporting, the lack of uncertainty analysis and the under-investigation of causal relationships in BoD studies. Development and use of guidelines for performing and reporting BoD studies will help understand differences, avoid misinterpretations thus improving comparability among estimates.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Burden of disease
Comparative risk assessment
Risk factors
Megjelenés:Archives of Public Health. - 81 : 1 (2023), p. 1-11. -
További szerzők:Morgado, Joana Nazaré Charalampous, Periklis Ádám Balázs (1973-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) Santoso, Cornelia Melinda Adi (1993-) Varga Orsolya (1977-) (orvos, jogász)
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