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001-es BibID:BIBFORM105890
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85131493427
Első szerző:Shahnawaz, Mohd.
Cím:Botany, Geographical Distribution, Phytochemistry and Phytopharmaceutical Potential of Rheum emodi Wall. ex Meisn.: An Overview / Mohd. Shahnawaz, Refaz Ahmad Dar, Syed Mudassir Jeelani, Tahoora Batool Zargar, Malik Mohd. Azhar, Sajad Ahmed, Sabeena Ali, Rekha Chouhan, Gulfam Sheikh, Puja Gupta, Abhishek Kumar Nautiyal, Manisha K. Sangale, Avinash B. Ade
Megjegyzések:Rheum emodi is a stout perennial medicinal herb belonging to the family Polygonaceae. The native place of this plant is believed to be somewhere in the Northern Mountains of Nepal and China and is currently growing in different parts of the world along the temperate and subtropical zones, including Pakistan, India, Nepal and Myanmar. It is a source of various pharmaceutically active biomolecules and is also called as a wondrous herb. It is enlisted in the official pharmacopoeia of the Government of India. Since ancient times, it is used to treat numerous diseases due to its various phytoconstituents with multiple ranges of biological activities viz. antidiabetic, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiproliferative, antitumor, cytotoxic, and immune enhancing etc. In the present chapter, we attempted to pool all the available published data on R. emodi under the following objectives: (1) to discuss the botanical and taxonomic status of R. emodi, (2) to highlight the origin and geographical distribution of R. emodi around the world, (3) to enlist various phytoconstituents of R. emodi root/rhizome extract, and (4) to overview the pharmaceutical potential of R. emodi.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok könyvfejezet
Megjelenés:Phytopharmaceuticals : Potential Therapeutic Applications / ed. by Durgesh Nandini Chauhan and Kamal Shah. - p. 331-346. -
További szerzők:Dar, Refaz Ahmad Jeelani, Syed Mudassir Zargar, Tahoora Batool (1997-) Azhar, Malik Mohd. Ahmed, Sajad Ali, Sabeena Chouhan, Rekha Sheikh, Gulfam Gupta, Puja Nautiyal, Abhishek Kumar Sangale, Manisha K. Ade, Avinash B.
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