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001-es BibID:BIBFORM111307
Első szerző:Bazen, Jacob Cornelis (Lecturer)
Cím:Effects of international project education on entrepreneurship students: A joint Dutch - Russian case study / Jacques C. Bazen, Irina S. Petrova, Larisa A. Gromova
Megjegyzések:This paper is about a case study and joint experience of three international business schools, measuring the results of the implementation of a joint international educational project, in order to improve university ? business relationships, as well as better prepare the students for changes in the global labour market. The authors initiated a yearly recurring joint international educational project, and used it to develop a blended learning educational model, in order to systematically use both internationalization and university business relations to modernize their education in entrepreneurship and engineering management. The idea behind this model was to increase effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in universities and creating a win-win situation for both companies (who will receive support in their international strategy) and students (in terms of improved education). This papers shows the results of this case study in terms of measuring the effects of participation on knowledge, skills and attitude about working abroad on the participants. Participating students from both The Netherlands and Russia perceive a large development in knowledge and skills in doing business abroad, as well as an increase in study satisfaction, as a result of participating in the program. The attitude towards an international career is less clearly influenced by participating in this program.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:IMKSM16 International May Conference on Strategic Management 2016 : Book of proceedings / [editor in chief Živan Živković]. - p. 8-17. -
További szerzők:Petrova, Irina (1981-) (Lecturer) Gromova, Larisa (1946-) (Professor)
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