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001-es BibID:BIBFORM009098
Első szerző:Bakondi Gábor (élettanász)
Cím:Hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated, cation non-selective channel subunit expression pattern of guinea-pig spiral ganglion cells / Bakondi, G., Por, A., Kovacs, I., Szucs, G., Rusznak, Z.
Megjegyzések:Although the hyperpolarization-activated non-specific cationic current (I(h)) plays important roles in determining the membrane characteristics of the spiral ganglion cells (SGCs), neither the exact types of the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated, cation non-selective channel (HCN) subunits contributing to the molecular assembly of the relevant channels, nor their distribution pattern presented by the SGCs is known. In the present work immunolabeling and Western blot analysis were performed to describe the presence and distribution of all four known HCN subunits in the guinea-pig spiral ganglion. Besides determining the expression of the HCN1-HCN4 subunits by both type I and type II SGCs, the presence of possible apico-basal gradients in the expression patterns was also sought. The results indicate that both type I and type II SGCs express all four HCN subunits. The intensity of the immunolabeling of the cell surface membrane was generally strong, but it showed pronounced cell-to-cell variability. The Western blot experiments in combination with densitometry revealed that the amount of the HCN1 and HCN3 proteins was more significant in the apical than in the basal third of the guinea-pig cochlea. These findings not only imply potential heteromeric HCN channel formation of the spiral ganglion neurons, but they also offer a possible explanation of the previously reported heterogeneity of I(h) recorded in functional studies
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
guinea pig
Spiral Ganglion
Megjelenés:Neuroscience. - 158 : 4 (2009), p. 1469-1477. -
További szerzők:Pór Ágnes Kovács Ilona (1965-) (patológus) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM004068
Első szerző:Bakondi Gábor (élettanász)
Cím:Voltage-gated K+ channel (Kv) subunit expression of the guinea pig spiral ganglion cells studied in a newly developed cochlear free-floating preparation / Bakondi G., Pór Á., Kovács I., Szűcs G., Rusznák Z.
Megjegyzések:The spiral ganglion accommodates the cell bodies of the acoustic nerve fibres connecting the hair cells to the central nervous system. As the ionic channels containing various voltage-gated K+ channel (Kv) subunits play pivotal roles in determining the functional properties and firing behaviour of the spiral ganglion cells (SGCs), every piece of information concerning the Kv expression of the SGCs is valuable. In the present work a comprehensive immunohistochemical analysis was performed to describe the expression of 9 Kv subunits in the guinea pig cochlea on traditional wax-embedded sections as well as employing a newly developed preparation that allowed confocal analysis, reconstruction of the three-dimensional appearance and precise morphological characterisation of the SGCs. Besides determining their Kv expression patterns, differences between type I and type II SGCs were sought. SGCs showed positivity for 8 out of the 9 Kv subunit-specific antibodies with varying intensity and proportion of the immunopositive cells; whereas no obvious Kv3.2 positivity could be noted. Type I and type II cells demonstrated similar expression patterns for all subunits tested, with the exception of Kv1.2, whose presence was confirmed in only 50% of the type II cells. Although the present findings suggest that type I and type II cells do not differ fundamentally in the Kv subunits they possess; they also imply that SGCs may not form a homogeneous cell population, and might provide explanation of the previously noted heterogeneity of the membrane properties of the SGCs.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Brain Research. - 1210 (2008), p. 148-162. -
További szerzők:Pór Ágnes Kovács Ilona (1965-) (patológus) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM097923
Első szerző:Bíró Tamás (élettanász)
Cím:Physiological practice : a laboratory guide / Bíró Tamás, Cseri Julianna, Csernoch László, Magyar János, Jóna István, Nánási Péter Pál, Rusznák Zoltán, Szentesi Péter
Megjelenés:Debrecen : Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2000
Terjedelem:124 p.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok tankönyv
További szerzők:Cseri Julianna (1949-2022) (laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Csernoch László (1961-) (élettanász) Jóna István (1948-) (élettanász, fizikus) Magyar János (1961-) (élettanász) Nánási Péter Pál (1923-2013) (biokémikus) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Szentesi Péter (1967-) (élettanász) Bányász Tamás (1960-) (élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM032964
035-os BibID:PMID:8720691
Első szerző:Cseresnyés Z.
Cím:Three different gating models for inactivation of the Ito in ventricular myocytes of rats and mice / Z. Cseresnyés, Z. Rusznák, A. Bozsányi, J. Magyar, G. Szücs, L. Kovács
Megjegyzések:Kinetic models to describe the time course of the Ca(2+)-independent outward potassium current (Ito) in cardiac ventricular cells were constructed. The Ito traces were recorded from isolated myocytes of rats and mice using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. An iterative method was developed to eliminate the capacitive transient overlapping the early part of the Ito. The isolated Ito curves were then fitted by Hodgkin-Huxley type functions and different inactivation gating mechanisms were identified in various groups of the animals. In some Wistar rats a single inactivation route was found. Another group of Wistar rats and diabetic BB/Mol rats showed two independent inactivation pathways both of which resulted in a completely closed channel. In lean specimen of C-57 mice and in streptozotocin-treated Wistar rats the two inactivation gates gave closed channels only when both parallel inactivating transitions have been completed. In this case a possible interaction between the gating particles has been revealed.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:General Physiology And Biophysics 14 : 4 (1995), p. 259-276. -
További szerzők:Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Bozsányi A. Magyar János (1961-) (élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Kovács László (1939-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120355
Első szerző:Kecskeméti Valéria
Cím:Is norfluoxetine responsible for the anticonvulsant and inhibitory action on ionic currents of fluoxetine? / Kecskeméti V., Riba P., Wágner R., Rusznák Z., Magyar J., Szűcs G., Nánási P.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idézhető absztrakt
Megjelenés:FUNDAMENTAL & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY. - 18 : s1 (2004), p. 139. -
További szerzők:Riba Pál Wagner Róbert Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Magyar János (1961-) (élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Nánási Péter Pál (1956-) (élettanász)
Pályázati támogatás:ETT 53
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM018458
Első szerző:Kecskeméti Valéria
Cím:Norfluoxetine and fluoxetine have similar anticonvulsant and Ca channel blocking potencies / Kecskeméti V., Rusznák Z., Riba P., Pál B., Wagner R., Harasztosi C., Nánási P. P., Szűcs G.
Megjegyzések:Norfluoxetine is the most important active metabolite of the widely used antidepressant fluoxetine but little is known about its pharmacological actions. In this study the anticonvulsant actions of norfluoxetine and fluoxetine were studied and compared to those of phenytoin and clonazepam in pentylenetetrazol-induced mouse epilepsy models. Pretreatment with fluoxetine or norfluoxetine (20 mg/kg s.c.), as well as phenytoin (30 mg/kg s.c.) and clonazepam (0.1 mg/kg s.c.) significantly increased both the rate and duration of survival, demonstratinga significant protective effect against pentylenetetrazol-induced epilepsy. These effects of norfluoxetine were similar to those of fluoxetine. According to the calculated combined protection scores, both norfluoxetine and fluoxetine were effective from the concentration of 10 mg/kg,while the highest protective action was observed with clonazepam. Effects of norfluoxetine and fluoxetine on voltage-gated Ca2+ channels were evaluated by measuring peak Ba2+ current flowing through the Ca2+ channels upon depolarization using whole cell voltage clamp in enzymatically isolated rat cochlear neurons. The current was reduced equally in a concentration-dependent manner by norfluoxetine (EC50 = 20.4?2.7M, Hill coefficient = 0.86?0.1) and fluoxetine(EC50 = 22.3?3.6M, Hill coefficient = 0.87?0.1). It was concluded that the efficacy of the two compounds in neuronal tissues was equal, either in preventing seizure activity or in blockingthe neuronal Ca2+ channels.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Neuronal Ca2+ currents
Voltage clamp
Megjelenés:Brain Research Bulletin. - 67 : 1-2 (2005), p. 126-132. -
További szerzők:Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Riba Pál Pál Balázs (1975-) (élettanász) Wagner Róbert Harasztosi Csaba Nánási Péter Pál (1956-) (élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM038169
Első szerző:Kecskés Szilvia (anatómus, neurobiológus)
Cím:Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantitative morphometric analysis of pyramidal and giant neurons of the rat dorsal cochlear nucleus / Kecskes Szilvia, Kőszeghy Áron, Szücs Géza, Rusznák Zoltán, Matesz Clara, Birinyi András
Megjegyzések:Correct interpretation of functional data obtained from various cell types of the cochlear nucleus (CN), a structure involved in auditory information processing, necessitates reliable cell identification. Our aim was to perform a quantitative morphological characterization of giant and pyramidal cells of the rat CN and identify parameters that are suitable for their adequate classification. Neurons were labeled with biocytin, visualized with a fluorescent marker, and three-dimensionally reconstructed from confocal images. The size and shape of the soma and dendritic tree of each neuron were characterized by 17 morphometric parameters. The variables were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis to determine their importance while discriminating between giant and pyramidal cells. Our results provide a new battery of morphometric data, which could not be obtained earlier, improve the chances of correct cell identification, make modeling experiments easier and more reliable, and help us to understand both the functions of individual CN neurons and the network properties of this nucleus. In addition, we demonstrate that even partial labeling and/or incomplete reconstruction of neurons may be enough for their correct identification if selected parameters describing the cell bodies and the proximal portions of the dendritic trees are utilized. We propose that our findings have specific relevance to studies which attempt cell identification after functional experiments resulting in incomplete labeling of the investigated neurons.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Brain Structure & Function. - 218 : 5 (2013), p. 1279-1292. -
További szerzők:Kőszeghy Áron (1983-) (Ph.D hallgató, élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Matesz Klára (1949-) (anatómus, neurobiológus) Birinyi András (1960-) (anatómus, neurobiológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM037816
Első szerző:Kőszeghy Áron (Ph.D hallgató, élettanász)
Cím:Activation of muscarinic receptors increases the activity of the granule neurones of the rat dorsal cochlear nucleus : a calcium imaging study / Áron Kőszeghy, János Vincze, Zoltán Rusznák, Yuhong Fu, George Paxinos, László Csernoch, Géza Szücs
Megjegyzések:Acetylcholine modulates the function of the cochlear nucleus via several pathways. In this study the effects of cholinergic stimulation were studied on the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration of granule neurones of the rat dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). Ca2+ transients were recorded in Oregon-Green-BAPTA 1-loaded brain slices using a calcium imaging technique. For the detection, identification, and characterisation of the Ca2+ transients, a wavelet analysis-based method was developed. Granule cells were identified on the basis of their size and localisation. The action potential-coupled character of the Ca2+ transients of the granule cells was established by recording fluorescence changes and electrical activity simultaneously. Application of the cholinergic agonist carbamyl-choline (CCh) significantly increased the frequency of the Ca2+ transients (from 0.37 to 6.31 min-1, corresponding to a 17.1-fold increase; n = 89). This effect was antagonised by atropine, whereas CCh could still evoke an 8.3-fold increase of the frequency of the Ca2+ transients when hexamethonium was present. Using immunolabelling, the expression of both type 1 and type 3 muscarinic receptors (M1 and M3 receptors, respectively) was demonstrated in the granule cells. Application of 1,1-dimethyl-4-diphenylacetoxypiperidinium iodide (an M3-specific antagonist) prevented the onset of the CCh effect, whereas an M1-specific antagonist (pirenzepine) was less effective. We conclude that cholinergic stimulation increases the activity of granule cells, mainly by acting on their M3 receptors. The modulation of the firing activity of the granule cells, in turn, may modify the firing of projection neurones, and may adjust signal processing in the entire DCN.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Pflügers Archiv. - 463 : 6 (2012), p. 829-844. -
További szerzők:Vincze János (1988-) (orvos) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Fu, YuHong Paxinos, George Csernoch László (1961-) (élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM037815
Első szerző:Kőszeghy Áron (Ph.D hallgató, élettanász)
Cím:Purkinje-like cells of the rat cochlear nucleus : a combined functional and morphological study / Kőszeghy, Á., Pál, B., Pap, P., Pocsai, K., Nagy, Zs., Szücs, G., Rusznák, Z.
Megjegyzések:Purkinje-like cells (PLCs) of the cochlear nucleus (CN) are strongly calbindin positive neurones with unknown function. In the present work functional and morphological methods have been employed to provide data about PLCs in general, and about their possible involvement in the synaptic organisation of the CN in particular. PLCs had slightly elongated soma, from which a complex dendritic arborisation extended with highly variable dimensions. On the basis of their morphology, three classes of PLCs were identified. Positively identified PLCs fired a train of action potentials on sustained depolarization. When hyperpolarizing stimuli were applied, the presence of a slowly activating, ZD7288-sensitive inward current was noted that corresponded to the h-current. PLCs received both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. Functional experiments revealed that 76% and 14% of the spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents recorded from the cell bodies of the PLCs were mediated via glycinergic and GABAergic synapses, respectively. PLCs presented strong cerebellin1-like immunoreactivity, but its distribution differed from that seen in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Our results indicate that PLCs are parts of the synaptic circuitry of the CN, thus they may be actively involved in the processing and analysis of auditory information.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Brain Research. - 1297 (2009), p. 57-69. -
További szerzők:Pál Balázs (1975-) (élettanász) Pap Pál (1981-) (élettanász) Pocsai Krisztina (1978-) (élettanász) Nagy Zsuzsanna (1986-) (élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM017070
Első szerző:Kosztka Lívia (élettanász)
Cím:Inhibition of TASK-3 (KCNK9) channel biosynthesis changes cell morphology and decreases both DNA content and mitochondrial function of melanoma cells maintained in cell culture / Kosztka Lívia, Rusznák Zoltán, Nagy Dénes, Nagy Zsuzsanna, Fodor János, Szűcs Géza, Telek Andrea, Gönczi Mónika, Ruzsnavszky Olga, Szentandrássy Norbert, Csernoch László
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Melanoma Research. - 21 : 4 (2011), p. 308-322. -
További szerzők:Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Nagy Dénes (1984-) (vegyész) Nagy Zsuzsanna (1986-) (élettanász) Fodor János (1973-) (élettanász, biotechnológus) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Telek Andrea (1977-) (élettanász) Gönczi Mónika (1974-) (élettanász) Ruzsnavszky Olga (1983-) (élettanász) Szentandrássy Norbert (1976-) (élettanász) Csernoch László (1961-) (élettanász)
Pályázati támogatás:NK 78398
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM014367
Első szerző:Kovács Ilona (patológus)
Cím:TASK-3 immunoreactivity shows differential distribution in the human gastrointestinal tract / Ilona Kovács, Krisztina Pocsai, Gabriella Czifra, László Sarkadi, Géza Szucs, Zoltán Nemes, Zoltán Rusznák
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Virchows Archiv. - 446 : 4 (2005), p. 402-410. -
További szerzők:Pocsai Krisztina (1978-) (élettanász) Czifra Gabriella (1975-) (élettanász) Sarkadi László Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Nemes Zoltán (1942-) (patológus) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM038850
Első szerző:Lontay Beáta (biokémikus)
Cím:Protein phosphatase-1M and Rho-kinase affect exocytosis from cortical synaptosomes and influence neurotransmission at a glutamatergic giant synapse of the rat auditory system / Lontay Beáta, Pál Balázs, Serfőző Zoltán, Kőszeghy Áron, Szücs Géza, Rusznák Zoltán, Erdődi Ferenc
Megjegyzések:Protein phosphatase-1M (PP1M, myosin phosphatase) consists of a PP1 catalytic subunit (PP1c) and the myosin phosphatase target subunit-1 (MYPT1). RhoA-activated kinase (ROK) regulates PP1M via inhibitory phosphorylation of MYPT1. Using multidisciplinary approaches, we have studied the roles of PP1M and ROK in neurotransmission. Electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of MYPT1 and ROK in both pre- and post-synaptic terminals. Tautomycetin (TMC), a PP1-specific inhibitor, decreased the depolarization-induced exocytosis from cortical synaptosomes. trans-4-[(1R)-1-aminoethyl]-N-4-pyridinylcyclohexanecarboxamide dihydrochloride, a ROK-specific inhibitor, had the opposite effect. Mass spectrometry analysis identified several MYPT1-bound synaptosomal proteins, of which interactions of synapsin-I, syntaxin-1, calcineurin-A subunit, and Ca(2+) /calmodulin-dependent kinase II with MYPT1 were confirmed. In intact synaptosomes, TMC increased, whereas Y27632 decreased the phosphorylation levels of MYPT1(Thr696) , myosin-II light chain(Ser19) , synapsin-I(Ser9) , and syntaxin-1(Ser14) , indicating that PP1M and ROK influence their phosphorylation status. Confocal microscopy indicated that MYPT1 and ROK are present in the rat ventral cochlear nucleus both pre- and post-synaptically. Analysis of the neurotransmission in an auditory glutamatergic giant synapse demonstrated that PP1M and ROK affect neurotransmission via both pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms. Our data suggest that both PP1M and ROK influence synaptic transmission, but further studies are needed to give a full account of their mechanism of action.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Molekuláris Medicina
Megjelenés:Journal of Neurochemistry. - 123 : 1 (2012), p. 84-99. -
További szerzők:Pál Balázs (1975-) (élettanász) Serfőző Zoltán Kőszeghy Áron (1983-) (Ph.D hallgató, élettanász) Szűcs Géza (1948-) (élettanász) Rusznák Zoltán (1965-) (élettanász) Erdődi Ferenc (1953-) (biokémikus)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1-2008-0019
Biomolekuláris interakciók jellemzőinek kvantitatív meghatározása
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