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001-es BibID:BIBFORM046696
Első szerző:Pajkos Gábor
Cím:Colorectalis carcinomák kis dózisú leukovorin és interferon-alfa modulált adjuváns 5-fluorouracil kemoterápiája / Pajkos Gábor, Bodoky György, Pádi Éva, Izsó József, Szántó János
Megjegyzések:t has recently been published the results of a prospective, comparative study for adjuvant chemotherapy of 164 colorectal cancer patients. Pathological stages were Dukes B 79, C 85 of the cases. The site of primary tumour was colon 108, rectum 56 of the patients. The treatment protocols were as follows: 425 mg/m 5-fluorouracil plus 20 mg/m2 leucovorin on days 1-5 at 28 days ccyles six times (LV group). The IFN group received the same chemotherapy completed with weekly 3 x 3 MIU interferon alfa. Both treatment groups were well balenced. The mean follow up time was 38.1 months. There were 91 patients of relapse and 65 deaths this time. The time to progression was 15 months in the LV group and 12.7 months in the IFN group (P<0.05). The mean survival time was 24 months in the LV group compared to 22.3 of the IFN group. The frequency and sites of relapses did not differ statistically between the both groups. The preoperative CEA-level compared to 16.1 months of the cases with high-level (p<0.001). The side-effects were transient and mild, while in the group treated with interferon were more instances of fever, fatigue, flu-like syndrome, psychic disorders, depression and agitation. The administration of interferon had to be interrupted in 4 cases. The results of interim analysis suggest choosing the so-called Mayo protocol for the standard adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Orvosi Hetilap. - 139 : 26 (1998), p. 1571-1575. -
További szerzők:Bodoky György Pádi Éva Izsó József Szántó János (1949-) (onkológus szakorvos)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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