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001-es BibID:BIBFORM019227
Első szerző:Balogh Emília (kardiológus)
Cím:Interaction between homocysteine and lipoprotein(a) increases the prevalence of coronary artery disease/myocardial infarction in women : a case-control study / Balogh Emilia, Bereczky Zsuzsanna, Katona Éva, Kőszegi Zsolt, Édes István, Muszbek László, Czuriga István
Megjegyzések:Our aim was to investigate the association of elevated homocysteine (Hcy) and lipoprotein(a) Lp(a) with the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) and myocardial infarction (MI) and to investigate their interaction in both genders.MATERIALS AND METHODS:955 (male/female: 578/377) consecutive patients admitted for coronary angiography were enrolled in the study. Lp(a), Hcy, vitamin B12, folic acid, MTHFR C677T polymorphism and traditional risk factors were determined.RESULTS:619 patients had significant (?50%) stenosis (CAD+) and 341 had MI (MI+). CAD-MI- cases (n=302) were considered as controls. Adjusted Hcy levels were significantly elevated only in the female CAD+MI+group that was related to decreased vitamin B12 levels. Lp(a) was elevated in the CAD+MI+group of both genders. Folic acid levels and MTHFR T677 allele frequency did not show significant difference. Moderate hyperhomocysteinemia (Hcy >15?mol/L) or elevated Lp(a) (>300mg/L) increased the risk of CAD (OR 2.27, CI 1.36-3.80 and OR 1.64, CI 1.03-2.61, respectively) and MI (OR 2.52, CI 1.36-4.67 and OR 1.89, CI 1.06-3.38, respectively) only in women. Only simultaneous but not isolated elevation of Hcy and Lp(a) conferred a significant, 3.6-fold risk of CAD in females and even higher (11-fold) risk in young females, which suggested an interactive effect.CONCLUSIONS:Moderate hyperhomocysteinemia or elevated Lp(a) level associated with a risk of CAD and MI only in women. While isolated elevation of one of the two parameters represented a mild risk of CAD, their combined elevation highly increased the risk in females. No such effect was observed in males.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Molekuláris Medicina
Megjelenés:Thrombosis Research. - 129 : 2 (2012), p. 133-138. -
További szerzők:Bereczky Zsuzsanna (1974-) (orvosi laboratóriumi diagnosztika szakorvos) Katona Éva (1961-) (klinikai biokémikus) Kőszegi Zsolt (1962-) (kardiológus, belgyógyász) Édes István (1952-) (kardiológus) Muszbek László (1942-) (haematológus, kutató orvos) Czuriga István (1948-2018) (kardiológus)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
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