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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120506
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85191836470 (WoS)001248716500001
Első szerző:Bäck, Magnus
Cím:Cardio-ankle vascular index for predicting cardiovascular morbimortality and determinants for its progression in the prospective advanced approach to arterial stiffness (TRIPLE-A-Stiffness) study / Magnus Bäck, Jirar Topouchian, Carlos Labat, Sylvie Gautier, Jacques Blacher, Marcin Cwynar, Alejandro de la Sierra, Denes Pall, Kevin Duarte, Francesco Fantin, Katalin Farkas, Luis Garcia-Ortiz, Zoya Hakobyan, Piotr Jankowski, Ana Jelakovic, Marina Kotsani, Alexandra Konradi, Oksana Mikhailova, Iveta Mintale, Oscar Plunde, Rafael Ramos, Anatoly Rogoza, Yuriy Sirenko, Nebojsa Tasic, Iurii Rudyk, Saule Urazalina, Peter Wohlfahrt, Parounak Zelveian, Roland Asmar, Athanase Benetos
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:EBioMedicine. - [Epub ahead of print] (2024). -
További szerzők:Topouchian, Jirar Labat, Carlos Gautier, Sylvie Blacher, Jacques Cwynar, Marcin Sierra, Alejandro de la Páll Dénes (1967-) (belgyógyász, kardiológus) Duarte, Kevin Fantin, Francesco Farkas Katalin Garcia-Ortiz, Luis Hakobyan, Zoya Jankowski, Piotr Jelakovic, Ana Kotsani, Marina Konrádi Alexandra Mikhailova, Oksana Mintale, Iveta Plunde, Oscar Ramos, Rafael Rogoza, Anatoly Sirenko, Yuriy Tasic, Nebojsa Rudyk, Iurii Urazalina, Saule Wohlfahrt, Peter Zelveian, Parounak Asmar, Roland Benetos, Athanase
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM073189
035-os BibID:(WoS)000427994500018 (Scopus)85046301598
Első szerző:Topouchian, Jirar
Cím:Effects of metabolic syndrome on arterial function in different age groups / Jirar Topouchian, Carlos Labat, Sylvie Gautier, Magnus Bäck, Apostolos Achimastos, Jacques Blacher, Marcin Cwynar, Alejandro de la Sierra, Denes Pall, Francesco Fantin, Katalin Farkas, Luis Garcia-Ortiz, Zoya Hakobyan, Piotr Jankowski, Ana Jelakovic, Zhanna Kobalava, Alexandra Konradi, Yulia Kotovskaya, Marina Kotsani, Irina Lazareva, Alexander Litvin, Viktor Milyagin, Iveta Mintale, Oscar Persson, Rafael Ramos, Anatoly Rogoza, Ligita Ryliskyte, Angelo Scuteri, Yuriy Sirenko, Georges Soulis, Nebojsa Tasic, Maryna Udovychenko, Saule Urazalina, Peter Wohlfahrt, Parounak Zelveian, Athanase Benetos, Roland Asmar
Megjegyzések:Objective:The aim of the Advanced Approach to Arterial Stiffness study was to compare arterial stiffness measured simultaneously with two different methods in different age groups of middle-aged and older adults with or without metabolic syndrome (MetS). The specific effects of the different MetS components on arterial stiffness were also studied.Methods:This prospective, multicentre, international study included 2224 patients aged 40 years and older, 1664 with and 560 without MetS. Patients were enrolled in 32 centres from 18 European countries affiliated to the International Society of Vascular Health & Aging. Arterial stiffness was evaluated using the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) and the carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (CF-PWV) in four prespecified age groups: 40-49, 50-59, 60-74, 75-90 years. In this report, we present the baseline data of this study.Results:Both CF-PWV and CAVI increased with age, with a higher correlation coefficient for CAVI (comparison of coefficients P<0.001). Age-adjusted and sex-adjusted values of CF-PWV and CAVI were weakly intercorrelated (r(2)=0.06, P<0.001). Age-adjusted and sex-adjusted values for CF-PWV but not CAVI were higher in presence of MetS (CF-PWV: 9.570.06 vs. 8.65 +/- 0.10, P<0.001; CAVI: 8.34 +/- 0.03 vs. 8.29 +/- 0.04, P=0.40; mean +/- SEM; MetS vs. no MetS). The absence of an overall effect of MetS on CAVI was related to the heterogeneous effects of the components of MetS on this parameter: CAVI was positively associated with the high glycaemia and high blood pressure components, whereas lacked significant associations with the HDL and triglycerides components while exhibiting a negative association with the overweight component. In contrast, all five MetS components showed positive associations with CF-PWV.Conclusion:This large European multicentre study reveals a differential impact of MetS and age on CAVI and CF-PWV and suggests that age may have a more pronounced effect on CAVI, whereas MetS increases CF-PWV but not CAVI. This important finding may be due to heterogeneous effects of MetS components on CAVI. The clinical significance of these original results will be assessed during the longitudinal phase of the study.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
arterial stiffness
cardio-ankle vascular index
large artery
metabolic syndrome
pulse wave velocity
Megjelenés:Journal Of Hypertension. - 36 : 4 (2018), p. 824-833. -
További szerzők:Labat, Carlos Gautier, Sylvie Bäck, Magnus Achimastos, Apostolos Blacher, Jacques Cwynar, Marcin Sierra, Alejandro de la Páll Dénes (1967-) (belgyógyász, kardiológus) Fantin, Francesco Farkas Katalin Garcia-Ortiz, Luis Hakobyan, Zoya Jankowski, Piotr Jelakovic, Ana Kobalava, Zhanna Konrádi Alexandra Kotovskaya, Yulia Kotsani, Marina Lazareva, Irina Litvin, Alexander Milyagin, Viktor Mintale, Iveta Persson, Oscar Ramos, Rafael Rogoza, Anatoly Ryliskyte, Ligita Scuteri, Angelo Sirenko, Yuriy Soulis, Georges Tasic, Nebojsa Udovychenko, Maryna Urazalina, Saule Wohlfahrt, Peter Zelveian, Parounak Benetos, Athanase Asmar, Roland
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