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001-es BibID:KLTEbibl001445
Első szerző:Farkas Etelka (vegyész)
Cím:Complex-forming properties of L-alpha-alaninehydroxamic acid (2-amino-N-hydroxypropanamide) / Etelka Farkas, József Szőke, Tamás Kiss, Henryk Kozlowski, Wojciech Bal
ISSN:0300-9246 1364-5447
Megjegyzések:The systems of manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II), cadmium(II), iron(III), and aluminium(III) with L-alaninehydroxamic acid (2-amino-N-hydroxypropanamide)(ahpr) have been investigated in the metal-ligand ratio range 1:1-1:10 by means of pH-metric and spectrophoto-metric methods. Formation constants and assumptions concerning the bonding modes in the species present in aqueous solution are reported. There is appreciable complex formation between iron (III) and ahpr even below pH 3. Mixed hydroxo complexes can be proposed in addition to the binary iron(III)-ahpr complexes. The aluminium(III)-ahpr complexes are formed in the range pH ca. 3-9. There is no significant complex formation below pH 3, and [Al(OH)4]- is the only species present in measurable concentration above pH 9. Co-ordination of the hydroxamate oxygens is suggested in both the iron(III)- and aIuminium(III)-ahpr systems. Of the metal ions in the 2+ oxidation state, copper(II) forms the most stable complexes with ahpr. It can be postulated that both the oxygen and the nitrogen donor atoms of the ligand (H2A+) are involved in the co-ordination complexes [CuA2]+ and [Cu2A2H-1]+, but in the species [CuA2] and [CuA2H-1]- only the nitrogens are co-ordinated. Co-ordination of the nitrogen atoms is proposed in the planar complexes present in the nickel(II)-ahpr system. Complexes of medium stability are formed in the cobalt(II)- and zinc(II)-ahpr systems in the range pH 5.0-8.5. Complex formation only occurs to a small extent with manganese(II) and cadmium(II) ions.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions. - 1989 : 11 (1989), .p. 2247-2251. -
További szerzők:Szőke József Kiss Tamás (1950-) (vegyész) Kozlowski, Henryk Bal, Wojciech
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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