Összesen 6 találat.


001-es BibID:BIBFORM003564
Első szerző:Anagnostou, Eleni
Cím:Crystallographic studies on two bioisosteric analogues, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine and N-trifluoroacetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine, potent inhibitors of muscle glycogen phosphorylase / Anagnostou E., Kosmopoulou N., Chrysina E.D., Leonidas D.D., Hadjiloi T., Tiraidis C., Zographos S.E., Györgydeák Z., Somsák L., Docsa T., Gergely P., Kolisis F.N., Oikonomakos N.G.
Megjegyzések:Structure-based inhibitor design has led to the discovery of a number of potent inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase b (GPb), N-acyl derivatives of beta-D-glucopyranosylamine, that bind at the catalytic site of the enzyme. The first good inhibitor in this class of compounds, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine (NAG) (Ki = 32 nM), has been previously characterized by biochemical, biological and crystallographic experiments at 2.3 A resolution. Bioisosteric replacement of the acetyl group by trifluoroacetyl group resulted in an inhibitor, N-trifluoroacetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine (NFAG), with a Ki = 75 nM. To elucidate the structural basis of its reduced potency, we determined the ligand structure in complex with GPb at 1.8 A resolution. To compare the binding mode of N-trifluoroacetyl derivative with that of the lead molecule, we also determined the structure of GPb?NAG complex at a higher resolution (1.9 A). NFAG can be accommodated in the catalytic site of T-state GPb at approximately the same position as that of NAG and stabilize the T-state conformation of the 280s loop by making several favourable contacts to Asn284 of this loop. The difference observed in the Ki values of the two analogues can be interpreted in terms of subtle conformational changes of protein residues and shifts of water molecules in the vicinity of the catalytic site, variations in van der Waals interaction, and desolvation effects.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
type 2 diabetes
glycogen phosphorylase
bioisosteric inhibition
X-ray crystallography
Megjelenés:Bioorganic and Meidicnal Chemistry 14 : 1 (2006), p. 181-189. -
További szerzők:Kosmopoulou, Magda N. Chrysina, Evangelia D. Leonidas, Demetres D. Hadjiloi, Theodoros Tiraidis, Costantinos Zographos, Spyros E. Györgydeák Zoltán (1942-2005) (vegyész) Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész) Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus) Kolisis, Fragiskos N. Oikonomakos, George N.
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072943
035-os BibID:(WoS)000416500200009 (Scopus)85034949385
Első szerző:Bokor Éva (vegyész)
Cím:Nanomolar Inhibitors of Glycogen Phosphorylase Based on β-d-Glucosaminyl Heterocycles: A Combined Synthetic, Enzyme Kinetic, and Protein Crystallography Study / Éva Bokor, Efthimios Kyriakis, Theodora G. A. Solovou, Csenge Koppány, Anastassia L. Kantsadi, Katalin E. Szabó, Andrea Szakács, George A. Stravodimos, Tibor Docsa, Vassiliki T. Skamnaki, Spyros E. Zographos, Pál Gergely, Demetres D. Leonidas, László Somsák
ISSN:0022-2623 1520-4804
Megjegyzések:Aryl substituted 1-(beta-D-glucosaminyl)-1,2,3-triazoles as well as C-?-D-glucosaminyl 1,2,4-triazoles and imidazoles were synthesized and tested as inhibitors against muscle and liver isoforms of glycogen phosphorylase (GP). While the N-?-D-glucosaminyl 1,2,3-triazoles showed weak or no inhibition, the C-?-D-glucosaminyl derivatives had potent activity, and the best inhibitor was the 2-(?-D-glucosaminyl)-4(5)-(2-naphthyl)-imidazole with a Ki value of 143 nM against human liver GPa. An X-ray crystallography study of the rabbit muscle GPb inhibitor complexes revealed structural features of the strong binding and offered an explanation for the differences in inhibitory potency between glucosyl and glucosaminyl derivatives and also for the differences between imidazole and 1,2,4-triazole analogues.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - 60 : 22 (2017), p. 9251-9262. -
További szerzők:Kyriakis, Efthimios Solovou, Theodora G. A. Koppány Csenge Kantsadi, Anastassia L. Szabó Erzsébet Katalin (1989-) (vegyész) Szakács Andrea Stravodimos, George A. Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Skamnaki, Vassiliki T. Zographos, Spyros E. Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus) Leonidas, Demetres D. Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:PD105808
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM023365
Első szerző:Chrysina, Evangelia D.
Cím:Crystallographic studies on α- and β-D-glucopyranosyl formamide analogues, inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase / E. D. Chrysina, N. G. Oikonomakos, S. E. Zographos, M. N. Kosmopoulou, N. Bischler, D. D. Leonidas, L. Kovács, T. Docsa, P. Gergely, L. Somsák
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
glucopyranosyl formamides
glycogen phosphorylase
X-ray crystallography
type 2 diabetes
Megjelenés:Biocatalysis and Biotransformation. - 21 : 4-5 (2003), p. 233-242. -
További szerzők:Oikonomakos, Nikos G. Zographos, Spyros E. Kosmopoulou, Magda N. Bischler, Nicolas Leonidas, Demetres D. Kovács L. Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus) Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM053450
Első szerző:Czifrák Katalin (vegyész)
Cím:Glucopyranosylidene-spiro-iminothiazolidinone, a New Bicyclic Ring System : Synthesis, Derivatization, and Evaluation for Inhibition of Glycogen Phosphorylase by Enzyme Kinetic and Crystallographic Methods / Katalin Czifrák, András Páhi, Szabina Deák, Attila Kiss-Szikszai, Katalin E. Kövér, Tibor Docsa, Pál Gergely, Kyra-Melinda Alexacou, Maria Papakonstantinou, Demetres D. Leonidas, Spyros E. Zographos, Evangelia D. Chrysina, László Somsák
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. - 22 : 15 (2014), p. 4028-4041. -
További szerzők:Páhi András (1984-) (vegyész) Deák Szabina Kiss-Szikszai Attila (1975-) (vegyész, műszeres-analitikus szakvegyész) Kövér Katalin, E. (1956-2023) (vegyész) Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus) Alexacou, Kyra-Melinda Papakonstantinou, Maria Leonidas, Demetres D. Zographos, Spyros E. Chrysina, Evangelia D. Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM030574
Első szerző:Nagy Veronika
Cím:N-(4-Substituted-benzoyl)-N'-(beta-d-glucopyranosyl)ureas as inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase : Synthesis and evaluation by kinetic, crystallographic, and molecular modelling methods / Veronika Nagy, Nóra Felföldi, Bálint Kónya, Jean-Pierre Praly, Tibor Docsa, Pál Gergely, Evangelia D. Chrysina, Costas Tiraidis, Magda N. Kosmopoulou, Kyra-Melinda Alexacou, Maria Konstantakaki, Demetres D. Leonidas, Spyros E. Zographos, Nikos G. Oikonomakos, Stanislav Kozmon, Igor Tvaroška, László Somsák
Megjegyzések:N-(4-Substituted-benzoyl)-N'-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl) ureas (substituents: Me, Ph, Cl, OH, OMe, NO2, NH2, COOH, and COOMe) were synthesised by ZnCl2 catalysed acylation of O-peracetylated beta-D-glucopyranosyl urea as well as in reactions of O-peracetylated or O-unprotected glucopyranosylamines and acyl-isocyanates. O-deprotections were carried out by base or acid catalysed transesterifications where necessary. Kinetic studies revealed that most of these compounds were low micromolar inhibitors of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b (RMGPb). The best inhibitor was the 4-methylbenzoyl compound (Ki = 2.3 nM). Crystallographic analyses of complexes of several of the compounds with RMGPb showed that the analogues exploited, together with water molecules, the available space at the beta-pocket subsite and induced a more extended shift of the 280s loop compared to RMGPb in complex with the unsubstituted benzoyl urea. The results suggest the key role of the water molecules in ligand binding and structure-based ligand design. Molecular docking study of selected inhibitors was done to show the ability of the binding affinity prediction. The binding affinity of the highest scored docked poses was calculated and correlated with experimentally measured Ki values. Results show that correlation is high with the R-squared (R2) coefficient over 0.9.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Molekuláris Medicina
N-Acyl-N'-beta-D-glucopyranosyl ureas
Glycogen phosphorylase
X-ray crystallography
Molecular docking
Megjelenés:Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. - 20 : 5 (2012), p. 1801-1816. -
További szerzők:Felföldi Nóra (1979-) (vegyész) Kónya Bálint (1984-) (vegyész) Praly, Jean-Pierre Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus) Chrysina, Evangelia D. Tiraidis, Costas Kosmopoulou, Magda N. Alexacou, Kyra-Melinda Konstantakaki, Maria Leonidas, Demetres D. Zographos, Spyros E. Oikonomakos, Nikos G. Kozmon, Stanislav Tvaroška, Igor Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Új típusú glikomimetikumok szintézise, kölcsönhatásaik és hasznosításuk tanulmányozása
I. Protein foszfatázok szerepe az in vitro porcdifferenciációban és a mechano-transzdukcióban, II. Hypoglykaemiás szerek tervezése a glikogén foszforilázra (foszforilációval és defoszforilációval szabályozott kulcsenzim) ható molekulákkal
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM023347
Első szerző:Oikonomakos, Nikos G.
Cím:Binding of N-acetyl-N'-β-D-glucopyranosyl urea and N-benzoyl-N'-β-D-glucopyranosyl urea to glycogen phosphorylase b : kinetic and crystallographic studies / Nikos G. Oikonomakos, Magda Kosmopoulou, Spyros E. Zographos, Demetres D. Leonidas, Evangelia D. Chrysina, László Somsák, Veronika Nagy, Jean-Pierre Praly, Tibor Docsa, Béla Tóth, Pál Gergely
ISSN:0014-2956 1432-1033
Megjegyzések:Two substituted ureas of beta-D-glucose, N-acetyl-N'-beta-D-glucopyranosyl urea (Acurea) and N-benzoyl-N'-beta-D-glucopyranosyl urea (Bzurea), have been identified as inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase, a potential target for therapeutic intervention in type 2 diabetes. To elucidate the structural basis of inhibition, we determined the structure of muscle glycogen phosphorylase b (GPb) complexed with the two compounds at 2.0 A and 1.8 A resolution, respectively. The structure of the GPb-Acurea complex reveals that the inhibitor can be accommodated in the catalytic site of T-state GPb with very little change in the tertiary structure. The glucopyranose moiety makes the standard hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts as observed in the GPb-glucose complex, while the acetyl urea moiety is in a favourable electrostatic environment and makes additional polar contacts with the protein. The structure of the GPb-Bzurea complex shows that Bzurea binds tightly at the catalytic site and induces substantial conformational changes in the vicinity of the catalytic site. In particular, the loop of the polypeptide chain containing residues 282-287 shifts 1.3-3.7 A (Calpha atoms) to accommodate Bzurea. Bzurea can also occupy the new allosteric site, some 33 A from the catalytic site, which is currently the target for the design of antidiabetic drugs.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
glucopyranosyl ureas
glycogen metabolism
glycogen phosphorylase
Megjelenés:European Journal of Biochemistry. - 269 : 6 (2002), p. 1684-1696. -
További szerzők:Kosmopoulou, Magda N. Zographos, Spyros E. Leonidas, Demetres D. Chrysina, Evangelia D. Somsák László (1954-) (vegyész) Nagy Veronika Praly, Jean-Pierre Docsa Tibor (1975-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Tóth Béla (1954-) (vegyész, biokémikus) Gergely Pál (1947-) (biokémikus)
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