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001-es BibID:BIBFORM007067
Első szerző:Kapitány Anikó (molekuláris biológus)
Cím:Association of rheumatoid arthritis with HLA-DR1 and HLA-DR4 in Hungary / Kapitany, A., Zilahi, E., Szanto, S., Szucs, G., Szabo, Z., Vegvari, A., Rass, P., Sipka, S., Szegedi, G., Szekanecz, Z.
ISSN:0077-8923 (Print)
Megjegyzések:Susceptibility to and outcome for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have been associated with particular HLA-DR alleles, but these alleles vary among ethnic groups and geographic areas. The frequency of HLA-DR1 (HLA-DRB1*0101, DRB1*0102) and HLA-DR4 (DRB1*0401, DRB1*0404) alleles is elevated among Caucasian patients with RA. We studied a northeastern Hungarian population of RA patients to determine the frequency of HLA-DR1 and HLA-DR4 phenotypes in this population and to compare it with healthy control subjects, as well as to investigate whether the presence of these alleles could be a marker for RA. We performed HLA-DRB1 genotyping (DRB1*01-DRB1*16) in 83 RA patients and 55 healthy controls using polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). In the case of HLA-DR1- or HLA-DR4-positive patients, the DR1 and DR4 subtypes were also determined. The frequency of HLA-DR4 alleles was significantly higher in RA patients than in controls (31.3 vs. 10.9%; P <.05). HLA-DR1, in particular, tended to be more frequent in patients than in controls (32.5 vs. 18.1%). Among the HLA-DR4 subtypes, DRB1*0401 and DRB1*0404 were the most common alleles found in both groups. However, no significant differences were seen in the frequency of HLA-DRB1*0401 and HLA-DRB1*0404 between RA patients and controls. In contrast, HLA-DRB1*0405 and HLA-DRB1*0408 were significantly more common in RA patients than in control subjects. Among HLA-DR1 subtypes, the DRB1*0101 allele was most commonly detected, but HLA-DRB1*0101 as well as DRB1*0102 and DRB1*0105 were similarly frequent in RA patients and controls. HLA-DR12 was more common among controls than in RA patients (18.1 vs. 0%; P <.05). Our results generally agree with the findings in other Caucasian populations. Nonetheless, we found differences in the frequency of HLA-DR1 and HLA-DR4 subtypes among Hungarian patients compared with reports from other geographic regions (e.g., Finland and Asia). Our data suggest that in northeastern Hungary, HLA-DR4 as well as its subtypes DRB1*0405 and DRB1*0408 may be involved in susceptibility to RA, but HLA-DR1 may not. In addition, the presence of HLA-DR12, at least in Hungary, may protect from this disease.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Aged, 80 and over
Arthritis, Rheumatoid
HLA-DR Antigens
HLA-DR1 Antigen
Middle Aged
Megjelenés:Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 1051 (2005), p. 263-270. -
További szerzők:Zilahi Erika (1964-) (molekuláris biológus) Szántó Sándor (1968-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Szűcs Gabriella (1963-) (belgyógyász, allergológus és klinikai immunológus, reumatológus) Szabó Zoltán (1970-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Végvári Anikó (belgyógyász, III. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika) Rass Péter Sipka Sándor (1945-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szegedi Gyula (1936-2013) (belgyógyász, immunológus) Szekanecz Zoltán (1964-) (reumatológus, belgyógyász, immunológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM007066
Első szerző:Kapitány Anikó (molekuláris biológus)
Cím:Associations between serum anti-CCP antibody, rheumatoid factor levels and HLA-DR4 expression in Hungarian patients with rheumatoid arthritis / Kapitany, A., Szabo, Z., Lakos, G., Aleksza, M., Vegvari, A., Soos, L., Karanyi, Z., Sipka, S., Szegedi, G., Szekanecz, Z.
ISSN:1565-1088 (Print)
Megjegyzések:The presence of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide autoantibody is highly specific for rheumatoid arthritis. Certain HLA-DR4 (HLA-DRB1*04) alleles, also known as the "shared epitope," are associated with increased susceptibility to RA. In addition, these alleles may also have relevance for disease outcome. Anti-CCP antibody positivity has been associated with the presence of HLA-DR4 alleles in patients with RA. However, there is little information regarding a relationship between quantitative anti-CCP production (serum anti-CCP concentrations) and the shared epitope. OBJECTIVES: To determine the association between anti-CCP antibody production and various HLA-DRB1 alleles. METHODS: Serum anti-CCP, rheumatoid factor and C-reactive protein levels were assessed in 53 RA patients. All these patients underwent HLA-DRB1 genotyping. RESULTS: Of the 53 patients 33 (62%) were positive for anti-CCP antibody. We found significant correlations between anti-CCP and RF positivity (chi-square = 6.717, P < 0.01), as well as between anti-CCP and HLA-DRB1*04 positivity (chi-square = 5.828, P < 0.01). There was no correlation between RF positivity and serum levels, CRP serum levels and HLA-DRB1*04 positivity. When quantitatively comparing serum anti-CCP levels with shared epitope positivity, patients carrying one or two copies of HLA-DRB1*04 alleles had significantly higher anti-CCP concentrations (530.0 +/- 182.6 U/ml) compared to DRB1*04-negative patients (56.8 +/- 27.4 U/ml) (P < 0.01). There was no difference in serum anti-CCP antibody concentrations between patients carrying only one HLA-DRB1*01 allele but no HLA-DRB1*04 allele (12.0 +/- 8.6 U/ml) compared to SE-negative patients (76.8 +/- 56.2 U/ml). Regarding non-SE HLA-DRB1 genotypes, all 6 patients (100%) carrying DRB1*15 alleles and 6 of 7 (85%) patients carrying DRB1*13 were anti-CCP positive. In addition, patients with HLA-DRB1*13 (282.5 +/- 23.8 U/ml) and DRB1*15 (398.7 +/- 76.2 U/ml) produced significantly more anti-CCP than did any other non-SE HLA-DRB1 subtypes (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: There is significant association between anti-CCP and RF, as well as between anti-CCP and SE positivity in RA. In addition, the presence of one or two copies of HLA-DRB1*04 alleles has been associated with higher serum anti-CCP antibody levels. Thus, patients carrying HLA-DRB1*04 alleles exhibited an overall tenfold increase in serum anti-CCP antibody levels in comparison to HLA-DRB1*04-negative subjects. Increased anti-CCP production may also be associated with other non-SE HLA-DRB1 genotypes, such as DRB1*13 or DRB1*15. In reports by other investigators, both anti-CCP concentrations and SE positivity were related to more rapid disease progression and unfavorable outcome.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Aged, 80 and over
Arthritis, Rheumatoid
C-Reactive Protein
Disease Progression
Gene Expression
HLA-DR4 Antigen
Middle Aged
Peptides, Cyclic
Rheumatoid Factor
Megjelenés:The Israel Medical Association Journal : IMAJ. - 10 : 1 (2008), p. 32-36. -
További szerzők:Szabó Zoltán (1970-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Lakos Gabriella (1963-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos, transzfúziológus, immunológus) Aleksza Magdolna Végvári Anikó (belgyógyász, III. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika) Soós Lilla Karányi Zsolt (1961-) (biostatisztikus, bioinformatikus) Sipka Sándor (1945-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szegedi Gyula (1936-2013) (belgyógyász, immunológus) Szekanecz Zoltán (1964-) (reumatológus, belgyógyász, immunológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM003772
Első szerző:Soós Lilla
Cím:Clinical evaluation of anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin by ELISA in rheumatoid arthritis / Lilla Soós, Zoltán Szekanecz, Zoltán Szabó, Andrea Fekete, Margit Zeher, Ildikó F. Horváth, Katalin Dankó, Anikó Kapitány, Anikó Végvári, Sandor Sipka, Gyula Szegedi, Gabriella Lakos
Megjegyzések:Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies have emerged as sensitive and specific serological markers of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, antibodies to several other citrulline-containing proteins, including citrullinated fibrin and vimentin, have been detected in patients with RA, suggesting that citrulline is an essential constituent of autoantigens for RA-specific autoantibodies. We examined the diagnostic performance of the newly developed anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (MCV) antibody assay. METHODS: Concentrations of anti-MCV, anti-CCP2, and rheumatoid factors (RF) were determined in the sera of 237 individuals: 119 patients with RA and 118 controls, including patients with other rheumatic diseases and healthy subjects. Diagnostic properties were compared by receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis. RESULTS: Using manufacturer's recommended cutoff values, sensitivity and specificity of anti-MCV antibodies were 75.6% and 91.5% in RA, compared to 66.4% and 98.3% for anti-CCP2. Introducing cutoff values to obtain the same 95% specificity resulted in decreased sensitivity of the anti-MCV test (69.7%) and increased sensitivity of the anti-CCP2 test (74.8%). At optimal cutoff levels, 29.4% of IgM RF-negative cases as well as 13.3% of anti-CCP2-negative cases in the RA group were anti-MCV-positive. Double-positivity for anti-MCV and anti-CCP2 provided 98.3% specificity with 97.5% positive predictive value in RA. CONCLUSION: Overall, the performance of the novel anti-MCV ELISA for the diagnosis of RA is similar to that of the anti-CCP2 test [area under the curve 0.853 (95% CI 0.801-0.905) vs 0.910 (95% CI 0.873-0.946); p not significant]. As the diagnostic spectrum of the anti-MCV assay is somewhat different from that of anti-CCP2, the combined application of the 2 assays can improve the laboratory diagnostics of RA.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:The Journal of Rheumatology. - 34 : 8 (2007), p. 1658-1663. -
További szerzők:Szekanecz Zoltán (1964-) (reumatológus, belgyógyász, immunológus) Szabó Zoltán (1970-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Fekete Andrea (immunológus) Zeher Margit (1957-2018) (belgyógyász, allergológus és klinikai immunológus, reumatológus) Horváth Ildikó Fanny (1980-) (belgyógyász, allergológus, klinikai immunológus) Dankó Katalin (1952-2021) (belgyógyász, allergológus és klinikai immunológus) Kapitány Anikó (1979-) (molekuláris biológus) Végvári Anikó (belgyógyász, III. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika) Sipka Sándor (1945-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szegedi Gyula (1936-2013) (belgyógyász, immunológus) Lakos Gabriella (1963-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos, transzfúziológus, immunológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM007091
Első szerző:Szántó Sándor (belgyógyász, reumatológus)
Cím:Intracytoplasmic cytokine expression and T cell subset distribution in the peripheral blood of patients with ankylosing spondylitis / Szanto, S., Aleksza, M., Mihaly, E., Lakos, G., Szabo, Z., Vegvari, A., Sipka, S., Szekanecz, Z.
ISSN:0315-162X (Print)
Megjegyzések:To determine the role of inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis (AS), we investigated peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets and their intracellular cytokine production. METHODS: The percentages of T and B lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, activated T lymphocytes, CD4+ T helper (Th), and CD8+ T cytotoxic (Tc) cells were determined by flow cytometry in 42 patients with AS compared to 52 healthy controls. In order to assess circulating Th1/Th2 and Tc1/Tc2 subsets, we used a whole-blood cytometric assay based on the intracellular interferon-gamma, interleukin 4 (IL-4), and IL-10 expression of the cells. RESULTS: In the peripheral blood, the frequencies of CD4+ T helper and CD56+ NK cells were higher in AS (54.8% and 16.2%, respectively) compared to controls (45.3% and 10.8%) (p < 0.05). The frequencies of Th0 (1.9% vs 0.8%) and Tc0 (2.1% vs 0.8%) cells were higher, while that of Tc1 cells was lower (26.6% vs 40.1%) in patients with AS versus controls (p < 0.05). The percentage of IL-10-producing Tc cells was significantly higher in AS (18.4%) versus controls (8.5%) (p < 0.05). Finally, the active phase of AS was associated with significantly lower percentage of IL-10-producing Tc cells in the peripheral blood (6.6%) compared to patients with inactive AS (23.1%). CONCLUSION: Our results provide further evidence for an altered T cell subset distribution and intracytoplasmic cytokine balance in AS.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Case-Control Studies
Middle Aged
Spondylitis, Ankylosing
T-Lymphocyte Subsets
Young Adult
Megjelenés:The Journal of Rheumatology. - 35 : 12 (2008), p. 2372-2375. -
További szerzők:Aleksza Magdolna Mihály Erzsébet Lakos Gabriella (1963-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos, transzfúziológus, immunológus) Szabó Zoltán (1970-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Végvári Anikó (belgyógyász, III. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika) Sipka Sándor (1945-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szekanecz Zoltán (1964-) (reumatológus, belgyógyász, immunológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM007130
Első szerző:Szekanecz Zoltán (reumatológus, belgyógyász, immunológus)
Cím:Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis : as good as it gets? / Szekanecz, Z., Soos, L., Szabo, Z., Fekete, A., Kapitany, A., Vegvari, A., Sipka, S., Szucs, G., Szanto, S., Lakos, G.
ISSN:1080-0549 (Print)
Megjegyzések:Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs) have recently emerged as sensitive and specific serological markers of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), providing superior alternative of the rheumatoid factor (RF) test in the laboratory diagnostics of RA. The first members of this autoantibody family were anti-perinuclear factor (APF) and anti-keratin antibodies (AKA). It became evident that both APF and AKA recognize citrullinated epitopes of filaggrin. Citrullination is a post-translational modification of arginine by deimination, physiologically occurring during apoptosis, inflammation or keratinization. The presence of several citrullinated proteins has been demonstrated in the RA synovium. The identification of citrullinated epitopes as targets for anti-filaggrin antibodies led to the development of the first and later second generation anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibody assays. The widely used anti-CCP2 assays have high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, and they also show important predictive and prognostic value in RA. The anti-Sa antibody has been identified a decade ago; however, recent studies confirmed that anti-Sa is directed against citrullinated vimentin, hence it is a new member of the family of ACPAs. The newly developed anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti-MCV) assay has similar diagnostic performance than the anti-CCP2 ELISA; however, the diagnostic spectrum of the anti-MCV test is somewhat different from that of anti-CCP2. It's especially useful in the diagnosis of RA in RF and anti-CCP2 seronegative patients. The combined application of anti-CCP2 and anti-MCV assays can improve the laboratory diagnostics of RA. The family of ACPAs is expected to expand; there is an increasing need for developing new diagnostic strategies after careful evaluation of the characteristics of the available assays.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Arthritis, Rheumatoid/*diagnosis/immunology
Peptides, Cyclic/*immunology
Megjelenés:Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology. - 34 : 1 (2008), p. 26-31. -
További szerzők:Soós Lilla Szabó Zoltán (1970-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Fekete Andrea (immunológus) Kapitány Anikó (1979-) (molekuláris biológus) Végvári Anikó (belgyógyász, III. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika) Sipka Sándor (1945-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szűcs Gabriella (1963-) (belgyógyász, allergológus és klinikai immunológus, reumatológus) Szántó Sándor (1968-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Lakos Gabriella (1963-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos, transzfúziológus, immunológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM006935
Első szerző:Szekanecz Zoltán (reumatológus, belgyógyász, immunológus)
Cím:Combined plasmapheresis and high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in systemic sclerosis for 12 months : folow-up of immunopathological and clinical effects / Szekanecz Zoltán, Aleksza Magdolna, Antal-Szalmás Péter, Soltész Pál, Veres Katalin, Szántó Sándor, Szabó Zoltán, Végvári Anikó, Szamosi Szilvia, Lakos Gabriella, Sipka Sándor, Szegedi Gyula, Varga John, Szűcs Gabriella
Megjegyzések:Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease which involves the skin, as well as several internal organs. Most therapies available in this disease are symptomatic. Authors present a case of diffuse SSc with progressive disease not responding to currently available treatments. Therefore a 12-month protocol of repeated plasmapheresis and high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin treatment was administered with good clinical efficacy. Apart from monitoring the clinical symptoms throughout the treatment, authors also assessed a number of humoral and cellular immunolaboratory markers in order to obtain information on the immunomodulatory effects of this combined treatment in SSc.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Follow-Up Studies
Intravenous/*administration & dosage
Scleroderma, Systemic/pathology/physiopathology/*therapy
Treatment Outcome
Megjelenés:Clinical Rheumatology. - 28 : 3 (2009), p. 347-350. -
További szerzők:Aleksza Magdolna Antal-Szalmás Péter (1968-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Soltész Pál (1961-) (belgyógyász, kardiológus) Veres Katalin (1971-) (orvos) Szántó Sándor (1968-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Szabó Zoltán (1970-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Végvári Anikó (belgyógyász, III. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika) Szamosi Szilvia (1975-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Lakos Gabriella (1963-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos, transzfúziológus, immunológus) Sipka Sándor (1945-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Szegedi Gyula (1936-2013) (belgyógyász, immunológus) Varga John Szűcs Gabriella (1963-) (belgyógyász, allergológus és klinikai immunológus, reumatológus)
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