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001-es BibID:BIBFORM011024
Első szerző:Laczkó Tibor (nyelvész)
Cím:Alberti Gábor - Medve Anna: Generatív grammatikai gyakorlókönyv 1-2. / Laczkó Tibor
Megjegyzések:In this review article I point out that this two-volume textbook is a remarkable achievement. It systematically and excellently introduces the reader to Chomskyan generative grammar (Government and Binding Theory) through the analysis of a whole range of Hungarian syntactic phenomena. In actual fact, the authors develop a comprehensive and coherent generative syntactic theory of Hungarian. All this is presented in a reader-friendly format, with a great number carefully selected exercises. After the general overview, I discuss those aspects of the authors' analyses which I find elegant and convincing from a general theoretical viewpoint as well. Then I concentrate on issues related to their treatment of noun phrases and propose ways in which their approach could be improved or extended.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok recenzió, könyvismertetés
Megjelenés:Argumentum. - 2 (2006), p. 134-159. - Generatív grammatikai gyakorlókönyv:magyar transzformációs generatív nyelvészeti elemzések : 1.-2. kötet /
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