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001-es BibID:BIBFORM036695
Első szerző:Váradi Tímea (okleveles vegyész)
Cím:Binding of Trastuzumab to ErbB2 Is Inhibited by a High Pericellular Density of Hyaluronan / Tímea Váradi, Tamás Mersich, Päivi Auvinen, Raija Tammi, Markku Tammi, Ferenc Salamon, István Besznyák, Ferenc Jakab, Zsolt Baranyai, János Szöllősi, Peter Nagy
Megjegyzések:Although trastuzumab is an efficient drug, primary and acquired resistance is a challenging problem. The authors have previously shown in mouse xenograft experiments that masking ErbB2 by hyaluronan leads to diminished binding ofthe antibody and consequent resistance. In the current work, they correlated trastuzumab binding with the pericellular density of hyaluronan in ErbB2-overexpressing human breast cancer samples. A method for quantifying the relative binding of trastuzumab was developed involving constant and low-frequency background subtraction, segmenting the image to membrane and background pixels followed by evaluation of trastuzumab fluorescence, normalized with the expression level of ErbB2, only in the membrane. The normalized binding of trastuzumab showed a negative correlation with the pericellular density of hyaluronan (r = ?0.52) with the effect being the most pronounced in the extreme cases (i.e., low and high hyaluronan densities predicted strong and weak binding of trastuzumab, respectively). Removal of hyaluronan by hyaluronidase digestion unmasked the trastuzumab binding epitope of ErbB2 demonstrated by a significantly increasednormalized binding of the antibody. The results show that the accumulation of pericellular hyaluronan plays a rucial role in masking ErbB2.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
breast cancer
trastuzumab resistance
epitope masking
Molekuláris Medicina
Megjelenés:Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 60 : 8 (2012), p. 567-575. -
További szerzők:Mersich Tamás (sebész) Auvinen, Paivi (kutatóorvos) Tammi, Raija (kutatóorvos) Tammi, Markku (kutatóorvos) Salamon Ferenc (1965-) Besznyák István (1980-) (sebész) Jr. Jakab Ferenc Baranyai Zsolt (sebész) Szöllősi János (1953-) (biofizikus) Nagy Péter (1971-) (biofizikus)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Sejt biofizika
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