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001-es BibID:BIBFORM058166
Első szerző:Czenky Márta (matematikus)
Cím:Graphical Programs in the Teaching of the Database Management [elektronikus dokumentum] / Czenky Márta
Megjegyzések:The main topics of the one semester long database management subject are the data modelling and the SQL language. On the sphere of the data modelling we teach the entity-relationship and the relational model. Both in the teaching of the data modelling and in the teaching of the SQL language we use freeware or open source graphical programs.We also did a survey to see whether it results significantly better solutions if the students do the data models with graphical programs and whether there's a significant difference in the correctness of the data models made by different programs.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
database management
graphical programs
Megjelenés:Journal of Applied Multimedia. - 4 : 4 (2009), p. 157-167. -
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