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001-es BibID:BIBFORM059069
Első szerző:Buday Tamás (geográfus)
Cím:Effect of the Solar Radiation on Underground Temperature Values and Heat Supply Around a Ground Coupled Heat Pump Based on Meteorological Data, Debrecen / Tamás Buday, István Lázár, Gergely Csákberényi-Nagy, Erika Bódi, Tamás Tóth
Megjegyzések:The recovery of the underground energy around a ground coupled loop of heat pump system basically depends on the type and size of the loop, the targeted depth, the extracted and injected energy, the horizontal and vertical underground heat transport and especially in shallow systems the solar irradiance. The amount of summarized heat supply is the key to the sustainable and economic utilization of heat pump systems. Since solar radiation controls the temperature of the ground surface, in addition the yearly temperature changes of the air and in the shallow underground, thus it could determine the fundamentals of designing the systems (heat and cooling demand, recovery, etc.). In this paper one year data of a meteorological station is analyzed using diagrams and analytically for determining the relationship between the measured parameters. This could ascertain the role of solar irradiation in the energy flow around a heat pump system.
ISBN:978 963 9899 91 9
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
solar radiation
underground heat recovery
heat pump system
Megjelenés:Perspectives of Renewable Energy in the Danube Region / ed. Willington Ortiz, Márta Somogyvári, Viktor Varjú, István Fodor, Stefan Lechtenböhmer. - p. 239-250. -
További szerzők:Lázár István (1986-) (geográfus) Csákberényi-Nagy Gergely (1981-) (geográfus) Bódi Erika (1989-) (geológus, geográfus) Tóth Tamás (1982-) (klimatológus)
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