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001-es BibID:BIBFORM065839
Első szerző:Misetáné Burján Anita (matematika tanár)
Cím:The appearance of the representative features of mathematical thinking in the thinking of a chess player : In: Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences : January 24-26, 2014 Eger, Hungary / Anita Misetáné-Burján ; compiled by E. Herendiné-Kónya, I. Oláhné-Téglási
Megjegyzések:The role of thinking is significant in both mathematics and chess. Although the constant use of abstraction and the use of logical quantifiers appear in other types of thinking, it is more important in mathematics than any other type of thinking. The types of stating or proving probability and proving existence where we do not give the existing objective are mainly characterise mathematical thinking. These typical features of mathematical thinking unavoidably appear in asimple form in the youngest 12-14 year-old students' mathematical education. The exploration of the common elements of chess thinking and mathematical thinking helps in developing students' mathematical thinking by teaching chess.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idézhető absztrakt
Megjelenés:Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 12 : 1 (2014), p. 126. -
További szerzők:Herendiné Kónya Eszter (1967-) (matematikus) Oláhné Téglási Ilona (1965-) (matematika-fizika szakos tanár)
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