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001-es BibID:BIBFORM066178
035-os BibID:(WoS)000392165300001 (Scopus)84996590344
Első szerző:Verbai Zoltán (gépészmérnök, épületgépész)
Cím:Balance point temperature for heating as a function of glazing orientation and room time constant / Zoltán Verbai, Imre Csáky, Ferenc Kalmár
Megjegyzések:In continental climates heating accounts for a significant part of the total energy consumption of a residential building with average thermal characteristics of the envelope. Solar heat gains have to be used wisely in order to reduce the energy need for heating. Glazed ratio of the facades, orientation of the transparent area and thermal mass has to be properly chosen in order to obtain the desired utilization factor. In this paper the effects of window size, thermal mass and window orientation on the balance point temperature are analysed in case of a reference room. The calculation methodology given by EN ISO 13790 standard was used. Measurements were done in order to validate the model. Performing the calculus on 48 different cases it was shown, that differences of even 11% can appear between the energy demands for heating (for similar overall heat transfer coefficients of the external building elements).
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
balance point temperature
energy saving
heating season
solar gains
thermal mass
utilization factor
Megjelenés:Energy and Buildings. - 135 (2017), p. 1-9. -
További szerzők:Kalmár Ferenc (1974-) (gépészmérnök) Csáky Imre (1982-) (épületgépész mérnök)
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