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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069837
Első szerző:Illés Gabriella Barbara
Cím:Tha color TV : the changes of commercial TV industry / Gabriella Illés
Megjegyzések:First, I have analysed the transformation of media consumption. A great number of research data proves, that the media has an ever growing role in our life. The appearance of internet has transformed basicly the media consumption, giving a bit of impression as if the television hegemony was broken. The latest technical solutions and devices also support our easy and comfortable consumption of any media at all locations. Consumers spend hours at the web pages and with time this number is ever increasing. According to research on multitasking it can be stated that it bacame a daily routine, the majority of people does it each day with certain frequency. Those situations happen frequently when using a media we divert our attention to some further (typically also media) kind of activity. However inspite of all ominous forecasts not even the drastic increase of internet users could brake the hegemony of television in our country, that certain screen coutinues to be the most significant media. The big looser of the transformation process initiated by digital revolution is unquestionably the printed press which has lost already great part of its readers long ago. At the same time more informal recreational activities (theatre, movie, expositions) became more attractive and are today some of the most widespread means of distraction. Among cultural activities in our country visiting opera or ballet performances, as well as concerts of classical music and jazz qualify as sub-culture.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Média- és kommunikációs tudományok előadáskivonat
kereskedelmi televíziózás
commercial television
media consumption
recreational activities
Megjelenés:Tavaszi Szél = Spring Wind 2017 : II. Kötet. Irodalomtudomány, Kémia- és környezettudomány, Kommunikáció- és médiatudomány, Közgazdaságtudomány, Közigazgatás-tudomány, Matematika- és informatikai tudomány / szerk. Keresztes Gábor. - p. 140-149. -
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