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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070632
Első szerző:Gombos Eszter (történelem, német, filozófia, informatika szakos pedagógus)
Cím:Meet visible teaching / Gombos Eszter, Csernoch Mária, Biró Piroska
Megjegyzések:We have found by analyzing the Hungarian pedagogical literature that John Hattie's research of 800 meta-analysis, more than 50,000 smaller studies and more than 80 million pupils is hardly known in Hungary. In our presentation we would like to call attention to Hattie's approaches towards the teaching-learning process and to his results focusing on the teachers' role in the education process. He states that teachers are the major players, and emphasizes that "what teachers do" or "what ♭some' teachers do" plays a crucial role.To prove his statements, Hattie created a parameter entitled effect size (ES), a simple measure for quantifying the difference between two groups or the same group over time. We can calculate the effect size both for individual students and classes. Hattie uses the following formula for calculating ES:ES = (Average post ? Average pre)/spread (sd)orES = (Average class1 ? Average class2)/spread (sd),where spread (sd) is the standard deviation for the pre-test and post-test data calculated individually then averaged.Based on his meta-analysis and his ES parameter, Hattie found that the effectiveness of teaching increases when teachers act as activators instead of as facilitators, in summary, the nature and quality of instruction in the classroom what matters. He argues that teachers' beliefs and commitments are the greatest influences on student achievement. We are convinced that Hattie's results would have a great influence on our learning-teaching process.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok előadáskivonat
visible learning
effective size
teacher as activator
students' achievement
Megjelenés:Körkép a hazai oktatáskutatásról HuCER 2015 / Kerülő Judit. - p. 1
További szerzők:Csernoch Mária (1963-) (informatika tanár) Biró Piroska (1983-) (informatikus, matematikus)
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