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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077532
Első szerző:Szabóné Berta Olga (közgazdász)
Cím:Digitization in the agrarian sector : development trends in the light of a questionnaire survey / Olga Berta
Megjegyzések:The 20th century brought about sweeping changes in Hungarian economy. As was mentioned above, pesticides and the general use of fertilisers spread in the country, which, together with mechanisation, contributed to a dynamic growth of efficiency. The 21st century and Hungary's accession to the European Union provided new chances to the agrarian, sector which survived the storms of the democratic transition with serious injuries. The transition from a labour-based agriculture to an information-based one offers several new possibilities that could give answers to the questions of producers, traders, scholars and those dealing with agricultural policy and may satisfy the arising information demands as well. In my research, I focused on agrarian enterprises and their management. The informatics-based examination and analysis of this field is rather underrepresented compared to other sectors in Hungary. Significant changes have taken place in the IT field as well and these have not failed to affect the agrarian sector either. My results have shown that there is still a development potential in Hungary, which, on the one hand, projects favourable tendencies in the field of efficiency and productivity. The correlation between the complexity of the activity of an enterprise and the use of integrated systems can be clearly demonstrated. At the same time, research results have shown that without further training and the improvement of the IT systems of enterprises, these deficiencies will lead to competitive disadvantage for Hungarian small and medium-sized businesses in the long run.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:ICUBERD : book of papers / eds. Doris Györkő, Vivien Kleschné Csapi, Zsolt Bedő. - p. 255-269. -
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