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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077655
Első szerző:Boda István Károly (könyvtáros, informatikus)
Cím:Supporting language learning in the three-dimensional model of the ancient Library of Alexandria / István Károly Boda, Erzsébet Tóth, István Csont, László T. Nagy
Megjegyzések:Our basic aim of the research is the implementation and gradual improvement of a three-dimensional virtual library model. In the development stage of the first version of the model we chose some illustrious authors who represented the ancient Greek poetry and drama from the 3rd century BC. Their short biography and certain parts of their works formed the selected content of the virtual library model. We designed a four-level hierarchical and scale-free structure based on the original classification scheme of the ancient Library of Alexandria elaborated by Callimachus. We are enhancing the content of the database with additional items of different verbal and/or multimedia text types (e.g. illustrative images, commentaries, concordance and collocation tables, dictionary entries, translations, adaptations, summaries and so on). This additional background information is necessary for us to interpret and understand the old Greek poetical texts better, especially in the case of mythological allusions. Currently we investigate how the collected items can be effectively used in language learning to develop the learners' linguistic competence, and, in general, how the spatial hypertext concept could promote the multidisciplinary use of the model in education. The virtual library model is currently based on PHP/MySQL technology which fully supports the three-dimensional representation capabilities of the VirCA (Virtual Collaboration Arena) system.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok előadáskivonat
VirCA rendszer
szöveg alapú nyelvtanulás
Az ókori Alexandriai Könyvtár
három-dimenziós virtuális könyvtári modell
Megjelenés:Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Informatics / ed. Terdik György, Kovácsnai Gergely, Tómács Tibor. - p. 53-61. -
További szerzők:Tóth Erzsébet (1972-) (informatikus könyvtáros) Csont István (1987-) (könyvtáros, informatikus) Nagy László, T. (1974-) (informatikus)
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