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001-es BibID:BIBFORM084856
Első szerző:Şentürk, Mert
Cím:Thoracic Anesthesia of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection : preliminary Recommendations for Airway Management by the EACTA Thoracic Subspecialty Committee / Sentürk Mert, El Tahan Mohamed R., Szegedi Laszlo L., Marczin Nandor, Karzai Waheedullah, Shelley Ben, Piccioni Federico, Gil Manuel Granell, Rex Steffen, Bence Johan, Cohen Edmond, Di Gregorio Guido, Drnvsek-Globoikar Mojca, Jimenez Maria-José, Licker Marc Joseph, Mourisse Jo, Mukherjee Chirojit, Navarro-Ripolli Ricard, Neskovic Vojislava, Paloczi Balazs, Paternoster Gianluca, Pelosi Paolo, Salaheldeen Ahmed, Stoica Radu, Unzueta Carmen, Vanpeteghem Caroline, Vegh Tamas, Wouters Patrick, Yapici Davud, Guarracino Fabio
Megjegyzések:The novel coronavirus has caused a pandemic around the world. Management of patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus infection who have to undergo thoracic surgery will be a challenge for the anesthesiologists. infection who have to undergo thoracic surgery will be a challenge for the anesthesiologists. The thoracic subspecialty committee of European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology (EACTA) has conducted a survey of opinion in order to create recommendations for the anesthetic approach to these challenging patients. It should be emphasized that both the management of the infected patient with COVID-19 and the self-protection of the anesthesia team constitute a complicated challenge. The text focuses therefore on both important topics.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Cardiothoracic And Vascular Anesthesia. - 34 : 9 (2020), p. 2315-2327. -
További szerzők:El Tahan, M. R. Szegedi László (aneszteziológus) Marczin Nándor Karzai, Waheedullah Shelley, Ben Piccioni, Federico Gil, Manuel Granell Rex, Steffen Bence, Johan Cohen, Edmond Di Gregorio, Guido Drnvsek-Globoikar, Mojca Lopez-Jimenez, M. J. Licker, Marc Joseph Mourisse, Jo Mukherjee, Chirojit Navarro-Ripolli, Ricard Neskovic, Vojislava Pálóczi Balázs (1982-) (aneszteziológus, intenzív terápiás szakorvos) Paternoster, Gianluca Pelosi, Paolo Salaheldeen, Ahmed Stoica, Radu Unzueta, Carmen Vanpeteghem, Caroline Végh Tamás (1975-) (aneszteziológus, intenzív terápiás szakorvos) Wouters, Patrick Yapici, Davud Guarracino, Fabio
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