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001-es BibID:BIBFORM103229
035-os BibID:(WOS)000462690400014 (Scopus)85061405190
Első szerző:Zayachuk, Dmytro M.
Cím:Relative detection factor for quantification of Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry measurements of PbTe binary telluride / Dmytro M. Zayachuk, Vasyl E. Slynko, Csaba Buga, Attila Csík
Megjegyzések:Knowledge of an exact value of the relative detection factor (RDF) is important for correct quantification of measurements of Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry (SNMS). A special crystal ingot was grown from the vapor phase to determine this coefficient for PbTe binary telluride. Sputtering of the samples was carried out by Ar+ ions with energy of 350 eV. High structural quality of the crystal grown from vapor phase allowed mini- mizing the density of the surface structures forming on the sputtered surface and the dimple relief of the surface. The magnitude of RDF is determined and the analytical expression is given for its energy dependence, taking into account correction caused by the impact of the transmission factors which determine the fractions of emitted Pb and Te atoms collected into the mass spectrometer.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Vacuum. - 163 (2019), p. 99-102. -
További szerzők:Slynko, Vasyl E. Buga Csaba (1992-) (fizikus) Csik Attila (1975-) (fizikus)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00041
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