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001-es BibID:BIBFORM109838
Első szerző:Csűrös Gabriella (jogász, közgazdász)
Cím:Changing Rules of Economic Governance in the EU : Which Way the EU Goes? / Csűrös Gabriella
Megjegyzések:During the realization of your dream obstacles may arise and they affect your choice ? which way to go? You can adopt this question to the EU: Which way the EU should go?! There is an ongoing debate related to this question: strengthen the economic integration and go on a pathless way or stop, step back? Due to the ongoing and world-wide economic depression the supervision and evaluation of governmental roles is surfacing not only at national but also at European governmental level. Reform processes have not ended yet, whereas the measures taken so far have already resulted in alteration of economic governance. Till now most significantly the cooperation and supervision of economic policy in the EU has been reformed. For the purpose of analysing more thoroughly this reform you need to define the European integration (unique phenomenon of economic and monetary union) and the results of European cooperation of economic policy achieved so far. Subsequently the structure of our study is the following: I define the forms, fields and methods of economic policy cooperation, sketch in the reasons for economic policy cooperation of Member States, afterwards I will examine the changing rules of economic policy cooperation in the EU and finally sum up the results and the remaining risks and inconsequence of the present economic policy cooperation in the EU.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok könyvfejezet
Megjelenés:Current questions and european answers on the field of law and justice in Romania and Hungary / ed. Timofte Voicu, Bara, Christian, Dumiriu Mihes, Diana, Cirmaciu. - p. 170-200. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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