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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113484
Első szerző:Askarian, Mehrdad
Cím:Is Remdesivir a Good Choice for a COVID-19 Treatment in an Outpatient Setting? / Mehrdad Askarian, Mohammad Movahedi, Niloofar Motamed, Mohsen Momeni, Mohammad Hossein Taghrir, Sara Mirani, Mina Danaei
Megjegyzések:Remdesivir (RDV) has been considered a "molecule of hope" for the treatment of COVID-19. Existing literatures show some inconsistent results about its efficacy in clinical settings. The trial results showed that RDV treatment was associated with improved recovery time in hospitalized adult patients who experienced infection of the lower respiratory system. A Spanish study showed that in patients who had less than one week of symptoms before hospitalization, RDV reduced the risk of death. A meta-analysis showed that RDV is beneficial in reducing mortality in hospitalized patients who needed no or conventional oxygen support. Its role in the treatment of ventilated patients was underpowered. Another systematic review demonstrated that RDV may have some benefits in the clinical period of the disease in hospitals and outpatient settings but the certainty of the evidence is limited.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok levél
Megjelenés:Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics Journal. - 3 : 1 (2023), p. 61-64. -
További szerzők:Movahedi, Mohammad Motamed, Niloofar Momeni, Mohsen Taghrir, Mohammad Hossein Mirani, Sara (1978-) (Phd hallgató) Danaei, Mina
Pályázati támogatás:JR_APT-3-1_007
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