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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121274
Első szerző:Tóth Máté (angol-német szakos tanár és bölcsész)
Cím:A szinesztéziás kifejezések fogalmi hátteréről / Tóth Máté
Megjegyzések:The study of linguistic synesthesia, i.e. the seemingly incompatible integration of concepts associated with distinct sensory domains on the level of linguistic expressions, revolves around three major issues: (i) the relationship between synesthesia as a neuro-psychological and a verbal phenomenon; (ii) the directionality of the synesthetic transfer from one sensory domain to another; and (iii) the conceptual motivation of synesthetic expressions. The present paper takes a closer look at this latter issue. After giving a review of existing approaches to the conceptual background of verbal synesthesia, i.e. the metaphor, the metonymy and the literal view, I will point out that all these approaches are based on some cross- or supra-modally common conceptual dimensions in two or more sensory domains. Furthermore, I will argue that synesthetic expressions are more varied regarding their conceptual background than earlier assumed and some of them are not based on cross-modal similarities or correspondences but rather on (a) the (recurrent) co-occurrence of stimuli belonging to different sensory modalities and/or on (b) intra-modal similarities, hence they can be considered genuinely metonymic.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
synesthetic expressions
sensory words
sensory linguistics
Megjelenés:Argumentum. - 18 (2022), p. 439-452. -
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