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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121686
Első szerző:Osotsi, Joab Malanda (PhD Hallgató)
Cím:Awareness and adoption of a nurse sow management system among small-scale pig farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya / Joab Malanda Osotsi, Mequanint Gashew, Péter Balogh, Gabriella Novotni-Dankó
ISSN:2416-1640 1587-1282
Megjegyzések:This study aimed to assess the level of awareness and adoption of nurse sow management strategies among small-scale pig farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya. The research included a survey of pig farmers who visited the Nakuru Agricultural Show in July 2023. A total of 139 farmers were interviewed within 5 days of the show. The corresponding author interviewed the respondents in a face-to-face engagement, where questions on nurse sow management were initially drafted in English and translated into Kiswahili, i.e. the second language in Kenya. The obtained results indicated that farmers came from two main regions of the county: the northern part (54.7%, 76/139) and the southern part (45.3%, 63/139). Levels of awareness and adoption were insignificant between the two groups (?2, p<0.05). A major obstacle to the adoption of this strategy was identified as feed challenge at 77.7%; (108/139) and market issue at 59.7%; (83/139). This study identified important aspects and limitations that should be considered when developing sustainable productivity development strategies for Kenyan pig farmers.To assist the sustainable growth of small-scale pig production, the authors suggest government measures that shield farmers against exploitation of feed and marketing components, as well as advocating for effective breeding to increase live born
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
pig production
small scale
Megjelenés:Agrártudományi közlemények = Acta agraria Debreceniensis. - 2024 : 1 (2024), p. 113-120. -
További szerzők:Gashew, Mequanint (1990-) (Phd student) Balogh Péter (1970-) (agrármérnök) Novotniné Dankó Gabriella (1967-) (agrármérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program
Internet cím:DOI
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