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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122272
Első szerző:Qorri Dejsi (PhD Hallgató)
Cím:Bibliometric Review, Systematic Review and Content Analysis of Marketing Cooperatives and Producers' Organizations in Developed and Developing Countries / Dejsi Qorri
Megjegyzések:Agricultural cooperatives follow the cooperative model and owned and controlled by members, and have a non-profit orientation. Marketing Cooperatives are one type of agriculture cooperative that is oriented toward the market and marketing of the products by their members. These cooperatives are becoming more and more popular with the globalization and unbalanced power market of farmers in the supply chains. Supply Chain Management is a very crucial concept for marketing cooperatives to send their products to the final consumers. Supply Chain Management includes many aspects of the product flow from production, processing, distributing, retailing, and customers. And managing the Supply Chain process effectively can be very valuable for minimizing costs and effectively optimizing profits. Which requires collaboration and coordination among all the actors in the supply chain. Some vital activities for marketing cooperatives are demand forecasting, inventory management, supplier management, logistics, transportation management, and performance measurements. The purpose of this study is to give light on important topics in English Language research on Marketing Cooperatives that are focused on activities as a player (not practices) in the sectors of Agriculture. Production, Fishery, Animal Production, Food Processing, Food Manufacturing, etc. And followed by a content analysis to provide a bigger picture of marketing, producer, activities, and supply chains. And in the end the meta-analysis by combining the results of various studies which have been conducted independently of each other, giving a new picture related to gaining an understanding of the environment in which research in a certain field of study. The results show that the research is mostly oriented to market and value-addition in the mostly developed countries. China has the largest contribution to the topic.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:VI. Változó világ, változó társadalom konferencia. - p. 9-10
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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