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001-es BibID:BIBFORM123998
Első szerző:Mondok Anita (közgazdász)
Cím:Destination development with the application of the project cadastre method : the case of Lower-Ipoly area / Mondok Anita; Kóródi Márta
Megjegyzések:One of the problems of tourist destination development in the case of rural areas of limited significance in terms of their tourist performance is the utilization of resources based on general characteristics that do not generate tourist attraction in such a way that they can be offered as unique elements of the offer. Instead of spontaneous development, this requires a number of development projects, which can later be financed at different times and with tenders for different purposes. The focus of the study on the development of the Lower-Ipoly is the presentation of the project cadastre method, as a tool for destination management in rural areas, its advantages and limitations. The creation of the project cadastre does not eliminate a thorough situational analysis based on secondary and primary information; however, the logic of the development plan is based on thematically and segmentation-based projects in different time periods after the defined development goals.
ISBN:978 963 626 275 4
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:4th Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference: "Inspiring Change: Visions for the Future": Abstract Book = 4. Farkas Ferenc Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia: "Inspiráló változások, jövőképek": Absztraktkötet / szerk. Benke Mariann; Schmuck Roland; Riedelmayer Bernadett. - p. 55-56. -
További szerzők:Kóródi Márta (1961-) (közgazdász, közgazdász-tanár)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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