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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125014
Első szerző:Ali, Zahraa Abdullah
Cím:Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Security Challenges: A Review / Ali Zahraa Abdullah, Abduljabbar Zaid Ameen, AL-Asadi Hamid Ali Abed, Nyangaresi Vincent Omollo, Aldarwish Abdulla J. Y., Neamah Husam A.
ISSN:2367-3370 2367-3389
Megjegyzések:Today, with the diversity of electric power sources and the huge size of electrical power networks, and because of the harmful waste from non-renewable energy sources, the trend of the current world has led to the use of smart energy networks and devices, especially smart meters, which facilitate the management and make it easy to control the energy network efficiently, reliably, and safely. The integration and use of renewable energy resources in the smart grid, such as wind, sunlight, and others, has led to the mitigation of the effects of harmful waste on the environment, but these networks are not free of many risks and challenges, especially cyber-attacks and their effects on these networks, where strict preventive measures require the prevention of these attacks. One of them, the use of early detection systems, protection, and security measures, requires the integration of renewable energy sources with the smart grid to modify the infrastructure to ensure secure and efficient management of energy. The use of modern communication technologies and protocols improves the transmission of energy. Oneofthemostimportantissuesfacingthemodernenergyeconomyisthe developmentandimplementationofasmartgridforenergysupply.Smartgriduses two-waydigitaltechnologytotransferelectricityfromproducerstoconsumersand enables consumers to control factory machinery and household appliances to save energy while lowering costs, boosting reliability and promoting transparency. To address supply security, global warming, and energy independence, numerous countries are endorsing this contemporary electrical infrastructure, with the smart grid being a vital infrastructure. These large and complex systems are exposed to many types of cyber-attacks In this paper provides a glimpse of the attacks on smart networks and the proposed solutions to reduce these attacks and enhance the security of smart networks. A summary of SCADA networks in renewable energy sources, their integration with smart grids, and the attacks they are exposed to.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. - 1119 (2024), p. 805-825. -
További szerzők:Abduljabbar, Zaid Ameen Al-Asadi, Hamid Ali Abed Nyangaresi, Vincent Omollo Aldarwish, Abdulla J. Y. Neamah, Husam A. (1990-) (mérnök)
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