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001-es BibID:bibKLT00005403
Első szerző:Aczél János (matematikus)
Cím:Inequalities for selection probabilities / Aczél János, Maksa Gyula
Megjegyzések:We suppose that selection probabilities are functions of the (ratio) scale values of the options to choose from. On one hand the aggregated ("overall") selection probability of each option should be a function of all componentwise ("individual") selection probabilities of all options, on the other hand it should be a function of the aggregated scale values. Using functional equations and inequalities, we derive from these suppositions under quite weak technical conditions that the scale values are aggregated by products of powers, in particular by weighted geometric means, and both the individual and the overall selection probabilities are relatively simple functions of the scale values of the options. Inequalities also play a key role in satisfying the natural requirement that the probability of selecting an option should increase with the value (attractiveness) of that option and decrease if the value of other options increases. Finally, as a special case, we characterize Luce's choice model.
Megjelenés:General inequalities 7 / eds. Catherine Bandle, William N. Everitt, Laszlo Losonczi, Wolfgang Walter. - p. 271-284. -
További szerzők:Maksa Gyula (1948-) (matematikus)
Internet cím:DOI
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