Összesen 12 találat.


001-es BibID:BIBFORM046551
Első szerző:Bácsné Bába Éva (bölcsésztanár, szakközgazda)
Cím:The role of the time factor in the manager functions / Bácsné Bába Éva
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Politikatudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 3 : 5-6 (2009), p. 101-108. -
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM086106
Első szerző:Darnai Balázs (gazdasági-agrármérnök)
Cím:Modelling and analysing an innovative cooperation to support operation of a science centre / Darnai Balázs, Gályász József
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Megjegyzések:A science centre was built in Debrecen with the purpose to extend natural scientific knowledge and increase commitment to science and innovation in an experience-focused way. In addition to science centres' original role of education and scientific communication, their function has been extended for today with showcasing innovation and innovation findings, thereby "grabbing their slice" of the regional innovation process. However, in order to succeed, it is indispensable to maintain these institutions in the long run and to constantly renew their innovation content. By integrating the process established with using the "Triple Helix" approach, it is possible to assure one of the most important principles of the institution in the long run, which is its constant renewal that provides a wide range of the society with experiencebased "tangible" knowledge. By following the concept we use, it became obvious that a science centre ? as an organisation which creates knowledge ? calls for the direct collaboration of the government, science and business actors in order to successfully operate in the long run, to attain its goals and, consequently, to develop the innovation potential of the region. However, the accumulated knowledge as a result of strategic partnerships can only contribute to establishing regional knowledge if the user - the organisation of the Science centre in Debrecen - is able to convey it successfully to the members of the fourth and fifth helix.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
science centre
triple and quadruple helix
innovative cooperation
scientific communication
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 9 : 3 (2015), p. 5-11. -
További szerzők:Gályász József (1954-) (agrármérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM046081
Első szerző:Dienesné Kovács Erzsébet (agrármérnök, pszichológus)
Cím:Examining some fields within human resources management / Dienesné Kovács Erzsébet, Gergely Éva
Megjegyzések:Human resources management is one of the management functions, dealing with people as the essential resource of the organization. This function aims at the most efficient usage of employees in order to realize both organizational and individual goals. Nowadays high significance is attributed to human resources management, since the human factor is the resource that determines the success of an organization. The results of a company are in proportion with the knowledge and talent of the people on its payroll. Human talent and knowledge can be utilized to the greatest extent in case management is able to motivate employees to meet not only the necessary requirements but also to achieve the highest possible results. Human resources management consists of several fields of activities, among which the following are the most important: analysis, planning and assessment of the scope of activities, human resources planning, workforce supply, performance assessment, motivation, developing human resources, labour relations, labour safety, HEM information system. Our studies cover a few fields within human resources management. Our research has been carried out at organizations in Hajdú-Bihar County. The study is based on questionnaires, which have been processed by computers and evaluated using statistical methods.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 3 : 3-4 (2009), p. 49-52. -
További szerzők:Gergely Éva (1984-) (gazdasági agrármérnök, viselkedéselemző)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072013
Első szerző:Gergely Éva (gazdasági agrármérnök, viselkedéselemző)
Cím:Examining career orientations at the University of Debrecen / Éva Gergely
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Megjegyzések:The paper endeavours to give a narrower definition of the orientation of 'career'. The survey to be discussed examines a sample of 116 full time students of economics and has career anchor analysis as its focus. The study details the result of a questionnaire-based survey, which was carried out with respect to the carrier of university students and was supplemented by surveying motivation, value and work valueas well. The analysis finds that "security, stability and organisational identification" are judged to be the primary career anchors among the members of the majority sample. This means that the respondents feel ready to identify themselves with the company and are looking for security to be provided by long term employment, regular earnings and by steady career advancement. The cluster analysis of the questionnaire differentiates four groups: Leaders, Specialists, Entrepreneurs and Employees. The results showed that the Leaders have high capacities of leadership, creativity and autonomy. The Specialists show highly developed functional capabilities in general and they seem to like challenges.The Entrepreneurs have outstandingly high scores concerning autonomy and entrepreneurial creativity. The members of the cluster of the Employees are characterised by a high expectation of security and stability and by low levels of managerial capability and entrepreneurial creativity. Discriminant analysis was applied to select the distinguishing features that can set the clusters apart from each other. The motivations, values preferences and work values inventory will consolidate the differences between the clusters of the career anchors. Using the method in high education within special trainings could be the practical utilization of the study. On the basis of the results a questionnaire can be compiled, which could help uncertain students relating to their carriers and future orientation containing information in connection with their carrier orientation, motivation, value preferences and work value.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
career anchor
work values
Megjelenés:Apstract 10 : 4-5 (2016), p. 59-68. -
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072764
Első szerző:Oláh Judit (agrárközgazdász, logisztika)
Cím:On the Conveyor Belt of Public Employment Programs between 2009 and 2013 in Hajdúböszörmény / Oláh Judit, Szabó Andrea
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
unemployment rate
active labour market policies
government's intervention
public work
re-integration to emloyment
Megjelenés:Apstract 8 : 2-3 (2014), p. 81-88. -
További szerzők:Szabó Andrea
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM044603
Első szerző:Pakurár Miklós (agrárökonómus)
Cím:New sources of employment to promote the wealth-generating capacity of rural communities / Miklós Pakurár, Judit Oláh & András Nábrádi
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 6 : 5 (2012), p. 15-21. -
További szerzők:Oláh Judit (1973-) (agrárközgazdász, logisztika) Nábrádi András (1956-) (közgazdász, agrárökonómus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074777
Első szerző:Palatinus Brigitta (közgazdász)
Cím:Multi-Level Analysis of Visitors' Satisfaction Flying to Debrecen : Main Aspects of the Research / Palatinus Brigitta
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Megjegyzések:Abstract: This paper presents the non-exhaustive description of the main characteristics of visitors based on the filled out questionnairesduring five months following the test month. These characteristics will serve the basis of a satisfaction analysis to be described in the futureand they provide guidance for later analyses. I performed the testing of my questionnaire in January 2014. It turned out even from the datacollected in the test phase that there were services which did not meet the expectations of visitors several times as it was worse than what theyexpected. This study focuses on the questionnaire research conducted among foreign visitors coming to Debrecen by flight. The main aspectswere to determine foreign visitors purpose of travel to Debrecen, how many times they had already been to Debrecen, how many days theyspent in the city, what kind of services did they use and whether the quality of used service met their expectations. As a result of the followingfive months research, I obtained input data which make it possible to examine real problems with background data. It calls for furtherexamination to determine whether there was any difference in the extent of services living up to visitors' expectation and visitors' level ofsatisfaction.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
satisfaction analysis
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 9 : 3 (2015), p. 27-32. -
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074779
Első szerző:Palatinus Brigitta (közgazdász)
Cím:International passanger survey at the Airport Debrecen : Main characteristics of departure visitors from AD / Palatinus Brigitta
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Megjegyzések:The main reason of the research is to make a survey of the habits of foreign visitors arriving in Debrecen by air andtheir satisfaction. What was experienced in 2013 regarding low foreign proportion is also noticable in 2014. In the examined twomonths, of the whole passenger traffic between London and Debrecen only 10-15% is tourism by foreign visitors. There was notany information before about consumption of tourists arriving in Debrecen by air. In the course of my research I was examiningthe main elements of consumptions. From the gathered infromation from the questionaires it can be ascertained that on manyoccasions service providers failed to accomplish satisfying levels, quality. Underachievement occured and the experience of thevisitors was worse than their expectations. This gives reasons for the indicators detailed analysis. The results of the satisfactiontest might be an essential basis to further develop the city's tourist products and services in the future. Personal experience ofeither visitors satisfaction or dissatisfaction, gets stored as a memory which influences future decisions on travelling. Becauseof this the city has to make an effort to provide higher standards of quality to people travelling into Debrecen by air from thefirst moment of arrival till the last moment of departure and leave satisffied.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 8 : 4 (2014), p. 43-49. -
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM056404
Első szerző:Pierog Anita (gazdasági agrármérnök)
Cím:Methodological questions of a survey of civil organizations / Anita Pierog, György Norbert Szabados
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Hajdú-Bihar county
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 6 : 5 (2012), p. 97-100. -
További szerzők:Szabados György (1974-) (gazdasági agrármérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074394
Első szerző:Rajci Alexandra (PhD hallgató)
Cím:Human resource aspect of agricultural economy - challenges of demographic change / Rajczi Alexandra, Vörös Péter, Dajnoki Krisztina
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Megjegyzések:Over the past decades, the agrarian policy has tried to contribute to the catching-up of the rural areas with varying dynamism and aid scheme. However, its result is significantly below expectations. Nowadays, the age composition of the population living in rural areas reveals an unfavourable picture; the rate of the elderly, deprived persons and people being inactive from the aspect of employment is high and it is also combined with the low educational levels. The young generations and intellectuals leave the rural areas and, consequently, the rate of the active population continues to grow narrow as well as the proportion of young and skilled employees decreases. As a consequence of changes in the past decades, the rate of agricultural employment has not led to an intensive change but a failing change in extensive direction which lays off jobs. Nowadays, this process also determines the Hungarian rural society. In the sector, the need for employment diminishes as a result of the development in technology and due to the expansion of services sector. The purpose of our study is to present and analyse the human resources of our country's agriculture by skill level and age group and compare it with the needs of companies, by doing this we try to compare supply and demand. In details, based on secondary data source, we investigate the agricultural labour force and try to confront it with the advertisements of job search portals (three of our job search portals based on our predefined criteria), by which we achieve a current picture of the agricultural human resource circumstances.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
rate of employment
ageing society
generational change
labour force
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 11 : 3-4 (2017), p. 163-168. -
További szerzők:Vörös Péter (agrár) Dajnoki Krisztina (1978-) (közgazdász, gazdasági agrármérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM097753
Első szerző:Szabados György (gazdasági agrármérnök)
Cím:Civic organizations and citizens-an alternative approach to understanding civic engagement / Szabados, György
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 7 : 4-5 (2013), p. 137-141. -
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072014
Első szerző:Szabados György (gazdasági agrármérnök)
Cím:An approach to understanding the specific subsidies received by rural civic organizations: a case of a settlement in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county / György Szabados, Éva Bácsné Bába, Gergely Kulcsár, Sehar Zulfiqar
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Megjegyzések:Nowadays the sport related civic organizations form a special segment within the civic sector. In particular, the current situationof these organizations - who are operating in rural settlements - should be considered as special. In rural settlements the local sport relatedcivic organizations by all means could be justified to make a difference on the basis of an essential aspect, that how they secure the funds fromthe external sources, and because of certain aspects it is closely related with the local politics. The purpose of our study was to investigatethrough the example of a small rural town in Hungary, that what kind of subsidies can the locally registered sport related civic organizationscan get by focusing on the local football club's results and the subsidies which were granted to the club between 2007 and 2015. We were alsocurious about, that is there any possible connection between the club's performance and these certified subsidies.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Sports Economics
Local Subsidies
Political Processes
Megjelenés:Apstract. - 10 : 4-5 (2016), p. 117-124. -
További szerzők:Bácsné Bába Éva (1968-) (bölcsésztanár, szakközgazda) Kulcsár Gergely (1985-) Zulfiqar, Sehar (1982-) (közgazdász)
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