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001-es BibID:BIBFORM087668
035-os BibID:(WoS)000613505800002 (Scopus)85091897870
Első szerző:Tollár József
Cím:High frequency and intensity rehabilitation in 641 subacute ischemic stroke patients / Tollár József, Ferenc Nagy, Bence Csutorás, Nándor Prontvai, Zsófia Nagy, Katalin Török, Eszter Blényesi, Zsolt Vajda, Dóra Farkas, Béla E. Tóth, Imre Repa, Mariann Moizs, Dávid Sipos, András Kedves, Árpád Kovács, Tibor Hortobágyi
Megjegyzések:Objective To determine the effects of Exergaming on quality of life (QoL), motor, and clinical symptoms in sub-acute stroke patients. Design A pseudo randomized clinical trial, using a before-after test design. Settings University hospital setting. Participants Of 3,857 sub-acute, ischemic stroke outpatients, 680 were randomized and 641 completed the study. Interventions We determined the effects of 5x/week twice (EX2, 50 sessions, n=286) and once daily (EX1, 25 sessions, n=272) Exergaming and low-intensity standard care (CON, 25 sessions, n=83) on clinical, mobility, blood pressure (BP), and QoL outcomes. Main Outcome Measures The primary outcome: Modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Secondary outcomes: Activities of daily living (ADL), five aspects of health-related QoL(EQ-5D), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), six-minute walk test (6MWT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and static balance (center of pressure, COP). Results During exercise, peak heart rate was 134, 134, and 126 b?min-1 in EX2, EX1, and CON. mRS improved similarly in EX2 (-1.8, effect size, d=-4.0) and EX1 (-1.4, d=-2.6) but more than in CON (-0.7, d=-0.6). QoL, Barthel index, Berg balance scale, six-minute walk test, and standing posturography improved in a pattern of EX2>EX1=CON. Systolic and diastolic rBP decreased more in EX2 and EX1 than CON. The intervention effects did no differ between males (n=349) and females (n=292). Conclusion Twice daily compared with once daily high-intensity Exergaming or once-daily lower intensity standard care produced superior effects on clinical and motor symptoms, BP, and QoL in male and female sub-acute ischemic stroke participants.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Virtual reality
Quality of life
Activities of daily living
Megjelenés:Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation. - 102 : 1 (2021), p. 9-18. -
További szerzők:Nagy Ferenc (neurológus Kaposvár) Csutorás Bence Prontvai Nándor Nagy Zsófia Török Katalin Blényesi Eszter Vajda Zsolt Farkas Dóra (1968-) (gyógytornász) Tóth E. Béla (1960-) (orvos) Repa Imre (1950-) (radiológus) Moizs Marianna (1964-) (orvos) Sipos Dávid Kedves András Kovács Árpád (1979-) (onkoradiológus, klinikai onkológus) Hortobágyi Tibor
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