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001-es BibID:BIBFORM030124
035-os BibID:(Scopus)83555179190 (WoS)000299761400005 (PMID)21925841
Első szerző:Bessenyei Mónika (neurológus, csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász)
Cím:EEG background activity is abnormal in the temporal and inferior parietal cortex in benign rolandic epilepsy of childhood : a LORETA study / M. Besenyei, E. Varga, I. Fekete, Sz. Puskás, K. Hollódy, A. Fogarasi, M. Emri, G. Opposits, S. A. Kis, B. Clemens
Megjegyzések:Benign rolandic epilepsy of childhood (BERS) is an epilepsy syndrome with presumably genetic-developmental etiology. The pathological basis of this syndrome is completely unknown. We postulated that a developmental abnormality presumably results in abnormal EEG background activity findings. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 20 children with typical BERS and an age- and sex-matched group of healthy control children underwent EEG recording and analysis. 60x2 s epochs of waking EEG background activity (without epileptiform potentials and artifacts) were analyzed in the 1-25 Hz frequency range, in very narrow bands (VNB, 1 Hz bandwidth). LORETA (Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography) localized multiple distributed sources of EEG background activity in the Talairach space. LORETA activity (current source density) was computed for 2394 voxels and 25 VNBs. Normalized LORETA data were processed to voxel-wise comparison between the BERS and control groups. Bonferroni-corrected p<0.05 Student's t-values were accepted as statistically significant. RESULTS: Increased LORETA activity was found in the BERS group (as compared to the controls) in the left and right temporal lobes (fusiform gyri, posterior parts of the superior, middle and inferior temporal gyri) and in the angular gyri in the parietal lobes, in the 4-6 Hz VNBs, mainly at 5 Hz. DISCUSSION: (1) Areas of abnormal LORETA activity exactly correspond to the temporal and parietal cortical areas that are major components of the Mirsky attention model and also the perisylvian speech network. Thus the LORETA findings may correspond to impaired attention and speech in BERS patients. (2) The LORETA findings may contribute to delineating the epileptic network in BERS. SIGNIFICANCE: The novel findings may contribute to investigating neuropsychological disturbances and organization of the epileptic network in BERS.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Epilepsy Research. - 98 : 1 (2012), p. 44-49. -
További szerzők:Varga Edit (Kenézy Kórház) Fekete István (1951-) (neurológus, pszichiáter) Puskás Szilvia (1979-) (neurológus) Hollódy Katalin (1955-) (csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász) Fogarasi András Emri Miklós (1962-) (fizikus) Opposits Gábor (1974-) (fizikus, szoftver fejlesztő) Kis Sándor Attila (1973-) (fizikus) Clemens Béla (1950-) (neurológus)
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