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001-es BibID:BIBFORM124823
Első szerző:Abdelkader, Mohamed M.
Cím:Advanced exploration of rare metal mineralization through integrated remote sensing and geophysical analysis of structurally-controlled hydrothermal alterations / Mohamed A. Abdelkader, Yasushi Watanabe, Ali Shebl, Mohamed Badawi, Maher Dawoud, Hanaa A. El-Dokouny, Arpád Csámer, Mahmoud Abdellatif
Megjegyzések:Fusing multi-source (remote sensing and geophysical) data and diverse approaches validation in targeting hydrothermal alteration and structural anomalies enhances the potential for accurately detecting and characterizing mineralization zones. Sentinel 2 data and ASTER were processed for lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping in the rare metal-rich Umm Naggat area (Egypt). Different image processing techniques were implemented, including false color composites, minimum noise fraction, band rationing, band math, mineral indices, relative absorption band depth, and constrained energy minimization. The rare metal-bearing Umm Naggat younger granite (NYG) pluton was lithologically discriminated and intra-differentiated to mafic-rich biotite granites, mafic-poor alkali feldspar granites, and albitized granites. Extensive hydrothermal alterations, such as albitization, ferrugination, propylitization, argillization, and phyllitization, overprint the NYG pluton. Normalized standard deviation, automatic lineament extractions, and trend analysis highlighted the key structural directions (NW, NNW, NNE, and NE) and distinguished the NYG pluton as a moderate to high structural density zone. The high structural density and intensive alteration zones are spatially associated and more localized within the NYG pluton than the surrounding rocks. Spatial overlay analysis confirmed that the hydrothermal alterations and fluid circulation systems are structurally-controlled. Furthermore, the hydrothermal alteration mapping and structural analysis outcomes were verified by combining fieldwork, slab polishing, petrographic investigations, and mineral chemistry through semi-quantitative scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and quantitative electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) analysis. As a result, the hydrothermal genesis of rare metal-bearing minerals (Nb-rutile, Nb-ilmenite, and columbite) close to or incorporated within alteration minerals (chlorite, muscovite, and hematite) is confirmed from the alteration zones (propylitic, phyllic, and ferruginated). In addition, biotite muscovitization and chloritization significantly contribute to the secondary rare metal enrichment. The current study emphasizes the extensive distribution of secondary rare metal-bearing minerals within the entire NYG pluton (not only limited to the northern albitized granite as depicted by previous studies), which might shed light on these hydrothermally-altered younger granites as a new potential source for Nb and Ta in Egypt.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Hydrothermal alterations
Rare metals
Mineral chemistry
Arabian Nubian Shield
Megjelenés:Journal Of Geochemical Exploration. - 267 (2024), p. 1-32. -
További szerzők:Watanabe, Yasushi Shebl, Ali (1992-) (geológus) Badawi, Mohamed Dawoud, Maher El-Dokouny, Hanna A. Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus) Abdellatif, Mahmoud
Pályázati támogatás:Tempus Public Foundation
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM121482
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85192262100
Első szerző:Shebl, Ali (geológus)
Cím:Novel comprehensions of lithological and structural features gleaned via Sentinel 2 texture analysis / Shebl, Ali; Badawi, Mohamed; Dawoud, Maher; Abd El-Wahed, Mohamed; El-Dokouny, Hanna A.; Csámer, Árpád
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Ore Geology Reviews. - 168 (2024), p. 1-26. -
További szerzők:Badawi, Mohamed Dawoud, Maher Abd El-Wahed, Mohamed El-Dokouny, Hanna A. Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM111657
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85157963782 (WoS)001025221700001
Első szerző:Shebl, Ali (geológus)
Cím:Towards better delineation of hydrothermal alterations via multi-sensor remote sensing and airborne geophysical data / Ali Shebl, Mahmoud Abdellatif, Mohamed Badawi, Maher Dawoud, Amr S. Fahil, Árpád Csámer
Megjegyzések:Integrating various tools in targeting mineral deposits increases the chance of adequate detection and characterization of mineralization zones. Selecting a convenient dataset is a key for a precise geological and hydrothermal alteration mapping. Remote sensing and airborne geophysical data have proven their efficiency as tools for reliable mineral exploration. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), Advanced land imager (ALI), Landsat 8 (L8), and Sentinel 2 data are widely?used data among various types of remote sensing images in resolving lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping over the last two decades. ASTER is a well?established satellite in geological remote sensing with detailed Short?wave infrared (SWIR) range compared to visible and near?infrared region (VNIR) that controls iron?associated alteration detection. On contrary, ALI has excellent coverage of the VNIR area (6 bands), but does not possess the potentiality of ASTER for the SWIR and thermal regions. Landsat 8 is widely used and highly recommended for lithological and hydrothermal alteration mapping. The higher spatial (up to 10 m) resolution of Sentinel 2 MSI has preserved its role in producing accurate geological mapping. Notwithstanding the foregoing, implementing the four datasets in a single study is time?consuming. Thus, an important question when commencing an exploration project for hydrothermal alterations?related mineralization (orogenic mineral deposits in the current research) is: which dataset should be adopted to fulfill proper and adequate outputs? Here the four widely recommended datasets (ASTER, ALI, L8, and sentinel 2) have been tested by applying the widely?accepted techniques (false color combinations, band ratios, directed principal component analysis, and constrained energy minimization) for geological and hydrothermal alteration mapping of Gabal El Rukham?Gabal Mueilha district, Egypt. The study area is covered mainly by Neoproterozoic heterogeneous collection of ophiolitic components, island arc assemblage, intruded by enormous granitic rocks. Additionally, airborne magnetic and radiometric data were applied and compared with the remote sensing investigations for deciphering the structural and hydrothermal alteration patterns within the study area. The results demonstrated a different extent from one sensor to another, highlighting their varied efficacy in detecting hydrothermal alterations (mainly hydroxyl?bearing alterations and iron oxides). Moreover, the analysis of airborne magnetic and radiometric data showed hydrothermal alteration zones that are consistent with the detected alteration pattern. The coincidence between high magnetic anomalies, high values of the K/eTh ratio, and the resultant alterations confirm the real alteration anomalies. Over and above that, the remote sensing results and airborne geophysical indications were verified with fieldwork and petrographic investigations, and strongly recommend combining ASTER and Sentinel 2 results in further investigations. Based on the outputs of the current research, we expect better hydrothermal alteration delineation by adopting the current findings as they sharply narrow the zones to be further investigated via costly geophysical and geochemical methods in mineral exploration projects.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Scientific Reports. - 13 : 1 (2023), p. 1-27. -
További szerzők:Abdellatif, Mahmoud Badawi, Mohamed Dawoud, Maher Fahil, Amr S. Csámer Árpád (1976-) (geológus)
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