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001-es BibID:BIBFORM125016
Első szerző:Fekete Erzsébet (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár)
Cím:Transcriptomics identify the triggering of citrate export as the key event caused by manganese deficiency in / Erzsébet Fekete, Vivien Bíró, Alexandra Márton, István Bakondi-Kovács, Erzsébet Sándor, Béla Kovács, Nicholas Geoffrion, Adrian Tsang, Christian P. Kubicek, Levente Karaffa1
Megjegyzések:For over a century, the filamentous Ascomycete fungus Aspergillus niger has played a pivotal role in the industrial production of citric acid. A critical fermentation parameter that sustains high-yield citric acid accumulation is the suboptimal concentration of manganese(II) ions in the culture broth at the early stages of the process. However, the requirement for this deficiency has not been investigated on a functional genomics level. In this study, we compared the transcriptome of the citric acid hyper-producer A. niger NRRL2270 strain grown under citric acid-producing conditions in 6-L scale bioreactors at Mn2+ ion-deficient (5 ppb) and Mn2+ ion-sufficient (100 ppb) conditions at three early time points of cultivation. Of the 11,846 genes in the genome, 963 genes (8.1% of the total) were identified as significantly differentially expressed under these conditions. Disproportionately high number of differentially regulated genes encode predicted extracellular and membrane proteins. The most abundant gene group that was upregulated in Mn2+ ion deficiency condition encodes enzymes acting on polysaccharides. In contrast, six clusters of genes encoding secondary metabolites showed downregulation under manganese deficiency. Mn2+ deficiency also triggers upregulation of the cexA gene, which encodes the citrate exporter. We provide functional evidence that the upregulation of cexA is caused by the intracellular accumulation of citrate or acetyl-CoA and is a major factor in triggering citrate overflow. IMPORTANCE Citric acid is produced on industrial scale by batch fermentation of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger. High-yield citric acid production requires a low (<5 ppb) manganese(II) ion concentration in the culture broth. However, the requirement for this deficiency has not been investigated on a functional genomics level. Here, we compared the transcriptome of a citric acid hyper-producer A. niger strain grown under citric acid-producing conditions in 6-L scale bioreactors at Mn2+ ion-deficient (5 ppb) and Mn2+ ion-sufficient (100 ppb) conditions at three early time points of cultivation. We observed that Mn2+ deficiency triggers an upregulation of the citrate exporter gene cexA and provides functional evidence that this event is responsible for citrate overflow. In addition to the industrial relevance, this is the first study that examined the role of Mn2+ ion deficiency in a heterotrophic eukaryotic cell on a genome-wide scale.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Aspergillus niger
citric acid
manganese ions
citrate exporter
gene expression
Megjelenés:Microbiology Spectrum. - - (2024), p.1-18. -
További szerzők:Bíró Vivien (1994-)c(mikrobiológus) Márton Alexandra (1994-) (mikrobiológus) Bakondi-Kovács István (1963-) (mikrobiológus) Karaffa Erzsébet Mónika (1972-) (mikrobiológus, egyetemi tanár) Kovács Béla (1963-) (okleveles vegyész, angol szakfordító) Geoffrion, Nicholas Tsang, Adrian Kubicek, Christian P. Karaffa Levente (1971-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM103023
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)935902 (WoS)000843102800001 (Scopus)85136210735
Első szerző:Fekete Erzsébet (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár)
Cím:Bioreactor as the root cause of the "manganese effect" during Aspergillus niger citric acid fermentations / Fekete Erzsébet, Bíró Vivien, Márton Alexandra, Bakondi-Kovács István, Németh Zoltán Sándor Erzsébet, Kovács Béla, Fábián István, Kubicek Christian P., Tsang Adrian, Karaffa Levente
Megjegyzések:High-yield citric acid production by the filamentous Ascomycete fungus Aspergillus niger requires a combination of extreme nutritional conditions, of which maintaining a low manganese (II) ion concentration (<5 ?g L?1 ) is a key feature. Technical-scale production of citric acid predominantly uses stainless- steel tank fermenters, but glass bioreactors used for strain improvement and manufacturing process development also contain stainless steel components, in which manganese is an essential alloying element. We show here that during citric acid fermentations manganese (II) ions were leaching from the bioreactor into the growth media, resulting in altered fungal physiology and morphology, and significant reduction of citric acid yields. The leaching of manganese (II) ions was dependent on the fermentation time, the acidity of the culture broth and the sterilization protocol applied. Manganese (II) ion leaching was partially mitigated by electrochemical polishing of stainless steel components of the bioreactor. High concentrations of manganese (II) ions during early cultivation led to a reduction in citric acid yield. However, the effect of manganese (II) ions on the reduction of citric acid yield diminished towards the second half of the fermentation. Since maintaining low concentrations of manganese (II) ions is costly, the results of this study can potentially be used to modify protocols to reduce the cost of citric acid production.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Aspergillus niger
manganese ions
citric acid
stainless steel
metal ions leaching
fungal morphology
Megjelenés:Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. - 10 (2022), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Bíró Vivien (1994-)c(mikrobiológus) Márton Alexandra (1994-) (mikrobiológus) Bakondi-Kovács István (1963-) (mikrobiológus) Németh Zoltán (1987-) (biomérnök) Karaffa Erzsébet Mónika (1972-) (mikrobiológus, egyetemi tanár) Kovács Béla (1963-) (okleveles vegyész, angol szakfordító) Fábián István (1956-) (vegyész) Kubicek, Christian P. Tsang, Adrian Karaffa Levente (1971-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117383
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)1195 (WoS)001132751600001 (Scopus)85180472702
Első szerző:Flipphi, Michel
Cím:Generation, Transfer, and Loss of Alternative Oxidase Paralogues in the Aspergillaceae Family / Michel Flipphi, Alexandra Márton, Vivien Bíró, Norbert Ág, Erzsébet Sándor, Erzsébet Fekete, Levente Karaffa
Megjegyzések:Abstract: Alternative oxidase (Aox) is a terminal oxidase operating in branched electron transport. The activity correlates positively with overflow metabolisms in certain Aspergilli, converting intracellular glucose by the shortest possible path into organic acids, like citrate or itaconate. Aox is nearly ubiquitous in fungi, but aox gene multiplicity is rare. Nevertheless, within the family of the Aspergillaceae and among its various species of industrial relevance?Aspergillus niger, A. oryzae, A. terreus, Penicillium rubens?paralogous aox genes coexist. Paralogous genes generally arise from duplication and are inherited vertically. Here, we provide evidence of four independent duplication events along the lineage that resulted in aox paralogues (aoxB) in contemporary Aspergillus and Penicillium taxa. In some species, three aox genes are co-expressed. The origin of the A. niger paralogue is different than that of the A. terreus paralogue, but all paralogous clades ultimately arise from ubiquitous aoxA parent genes. We found different patterns of uncorrelated gene losses reflected in the Aspergillus pedigree, albeit the original aoxA orthologues persist everywhere and are never replaced. The loss of acquired paralogues co-determines the contemporary aox gene content of individual species. In Aspergillus calidoustus, the two more ancient paralogues have, in effect, been replaced by two aoxB genes of distinct origins.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
alternative oxidase
aox gene multiplicity
gene duplication
paralogous genes
gene loss
Megjelenés:Journal of Fungi. - 9 : 12 (2023), p. 1-18. -
További szerzők:Márton Alexandra (1994-) (mikrobiológus) Bíró Vivien (1994-)c(mikrobiológus) Ág Norbert (1987-) (okleveles biomérnök) Karaffa Erzsébet Mónika (1972-) (mikrobiológus, egyetemi tanár) Fekete Erzsébet (1975-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár) Karaffa Levente (1971-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár)
Pályázati támogatás:ÚNKP-23-3-II-DE-359
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM111705
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85160535117 (WoS)000997803000001
Első szerző:Flipphi, Michel
Cím:Mutations in the Second Alternative Oxidase Gene: A New Approach to Group Aspergillus niger Strains / Michel Flipphi, Alexandra Márton, Vivien Bíró, Norbert Ág, Erzsébet Sándor, Erzsébet Fekete, Levente Karaffa
Megjegyzések:Alternative oxidase is a terminal oxidase in the branched mitochondrial electron transport chain of most fungi including Aspergillus niger (subgenus Circumdati, section Nigri). A second, paralogous aox gene (aoxB) is extant in some A. niger isolates but also present in two divergent species of the subgenus Nidulantes A. calidoustus and A. implicatus?as well as in Penicillium swiecickii. Black aspergilli are cosmopolitan opportunistic fungi that can cause diverse mycoses and acute aspergillosis in immunocompromised individuals. Amongst the approximately 75 genome-sequenced A. niger strains, aoxB features considerable sequence variation. Five mutations were identified that rationally affect transcription or function or terminally modify the gene product. One mutant allele that occurs in CBS 513.88 and A. niger neotype strain CBS 554.65 involves a chromosomal deletion that removes exon 1 and intron 1 from aoxB. Another aoxB allele results from retrotransposon integration. Three other alleles result from point mutations: a missense mutation of the start codon, a frameshift, and a nonsense mutation. A. niger strain ATCC 1015 has a full-length aoxB gene. The A. niger sensu stricto complex can thus be subdivided into six taxa according to extant aoxB allele, which may facilitate rapid and accurate identification of individual species
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
ubiquinol:oxygen oxidoreductase encoding gene
Aspergillus niger sensu stricto complex
chromosomal deletion
retrotransposon insertion
point mutation
frameshift mutation
nonsense mutation
molecular taxonomy
Megjelenés:Journal of Fungi. - 9 : 5 (2023), p. 1-17. -
További szerzők:Márton Alexandra (1994-) (mikrobiológus) Bíró Vivien (1994-)c(mikrobiológus) Ág Norbert (1987-) (okleveles biomérnök) Karaffa Erzsébet Mónika (1972-) (mikrobiológus, egyetemi tanár) Fekete Erzsébet (1975-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár) Karaffa Levente (1971-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116498
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)1292337 (WoS)001114523800001 (Scopus)85178915845
Első szerző:Reinfurt, Aline
Cím:Manganese(II) ions suppress the transcription of the citrate exporter encoding gene cexA in Aspergillus niger / Aline Reinfurt, Susanne Fritsche, Vivien Bíró, Alexandra Márton, Valeria Ellena, Erzsébet Fekete, Erzsébet Sándor, Levente Karaffa, Matthias G. Steiger
Megjegyzések:Aspergillus niger is an important filamentous fungus used for the industrial production of citric acid. One of the most important factors that affect citric acid production is the concentration of manganese(II) ions present in the culture broth. Under manganese(II)-limiting conditions, the fungus develops a pellet-like morphology that is crucial for high citric acid accumulation. The impact of manganese(II) ions on the transcription of the major citrate exporter encoding gene cexA was studied under manganese(II)-deficient and -sufficient conditions. Furthermore, citric acid production was analyzed in overexpression mutant strains of cexA in the presence and absence of manganese(II) ions, and the influence of CexA on fungal morphology was investigated by microscopy. Transcriptional upregulation of cexA in the absence of manganese(II) ions was observed and, by decoupling cexA expression from the native promoter system, it was possible to secrete more citric acid even in the presence of manganese. This effect was shown for both an inducible and a constitutive overexpression of cexA. Furthermore, it was found that the presence of CexA influences fungal morphology and promotes a more branched phenotype. According to this study, manganese(II) ions suppress transcription of the citrate exporter cexA in Aspergillus niger, causing citric acid secretion to decrease.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
citric acid transporter
citric acid overflow
manganese effect
Aspergillus niger
cexA regulation
metal ions
major facilitator superfamily
Megjelenés:Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. - 11 (2023), p. 1-11. -
További szerzők:Fritsche, Susanne Bíró Vivien (1994-)c(mikrobiológus) Márton Alexandra (1994-) (mikrobiológus) Ellena, Valeria Fekete Erzsébet (1975-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár) Karaffa Erzsébet Mónika (1972-) (mikrobiológus, egyetemi tanár) Karaffa Levente (1971-) (biotechnológus, egyetemi tanár) Steiger, Matthias G.
Pályázati támogatás:NN 128867
K 138489
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