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001-es BibID:
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Roberts, Alan
Central circuits controlling locomotion in young frog tadpoles / Roberts A., Soffe S. R., Wolf E. S., Yoshida M., Zhao F. Y.
The young Xenopus tadpole is a very simple vertebrate that can swim. We have examined its behavior and neuroanatomy, and used immobilized tadpoles to study the initiation, production, coordination, and termination of the swimming motor pattern. We will outline the sensory pathways that control swimming behavior and the mainly spinal circuits that produce the underlying motor output. Our recent work has analyzed the glycinergic, glutamatergic, cholinergic, and electrotonic synaptic input to spinal neurons during swimming. This has led us to study the nonlinear summation of excitatory synaptic inputs to small neurons. We then analyzed the different components of excitation during swimming to ask which components control frequency, and to map the longitudinal distribution of the components along the spinal cord. The central axonal projection patterns of spinal interneurons and motoneurons have been defined in order to try to account for the longitudinal distribution of synaptic drive during swimming.
Biológiai tudományok
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idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
külföldön készült közlemény
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. - 860 (1998), p. 19-34. -
További szerzők:
Soffe, Stephen R.
Wolf Ervin (1961-) (fizikus, neurobiológus)
Yoshida, Manabu
Zhao, Fey-Yue
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001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Wolf Ervin (fizikus, neurobiológus)
Non-linear summation of excitatory synaptic inputs to small neurons : a case study in spinal motoneurones of the young Xenopus tadpole / Wolf E., Zhao F. Y., Roberts A.
We examined the steady-state summation of postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in small, electrotonically compact neurones with short dendrites, using a one-compartment electrical equivalent model of the passive membrane with conductances to represent chemical synapses and electrotonic junctional connections to neighbouring neurones. 2. Our model shows that PSP summation is non-linear and for small depolarizations is mainly determined by the increase in total neurone conductance due to the opening of synaptic channels. At bigger depolarizations the change in synaptic driving force becomes an equally important cause of non-linearity. 3. Non-linear summation of AMPA-mediated PSPs was measured experimentally when two monosynaptic pathways to motoneurones were stimulated. The conductances underlying these PSPs were calculated relative to the resting neurone conductance using our model. These conductance ratios were hardly affected by the size of electrotonic coupling conductances. The non-linearity in PSP summation could be predicted by the model provided that the depolarizations remained negative to potentials at which voltage-dependent channels open. 4. The model was used to estimate the relative contributions of glutamatergic, cholinergic and electrotonic excitation to EPSPs measured in Xenopus tadpole spinal motoneurones during swimming. Estimates of synaptic conductances and electrotonic coupling to other motoneurones suggest that ligand-gated conductance mediated by glutamate may be twice that due to acetylcholine. 5. We conclude that in small electrotonically compact motoneurones of the Xenopus tadpole, our simple model can predict the non-linearity in PSP summation and may allow the conductances of different synaptic inputs to be compared. Furthermore, excitatory synaptic conductances can increase the resting neurone conductance significantly and limit depolarization. Our general model may also be applicable to other small neurones.
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idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Journal Of Physiology (London). - 511 : (Pt3) (1998), p. 871-886. -
További szerzők:
Zhao, Fey-Yue
Roberts, Alan
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Zhao, Fey-Yue
Longitudinal disribution of components of excitatory input to motoneurones during swimming in young Xenopus tadpoles : experiments with antagonists / Zhao F. Y., Wolf E., Roberts A.
Recent studies have revealed that the excitatory synaptic input to spinal motoneurones during fictive swimming in Xenopus tadpoles has three main components: glutamatergic (Glu) from premotor excitatory interneurones, nicotinic cholinergic (nACh) from more rostral motoneurones, and electrotonic coupling from neighbouring motoneurones. During swimming, these components sum to produce two kinds of excitation: phasic excitation (EPSPs) underlying spikes, and tonic depolarization. 2. We have investigated the longitudinal distribution of these excitatory synaptic inputs to presumed motoneurones at different positions along the spinal cord using intracellular recording techniques. Different antagonists (10 microM dihydro-beta-erythroidine (DHbetaE) for nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs), 2 mM kynurenate (Kyn) for glutamate receptors (GluRs), and 100 microM Cd2+ for all chemical synapses) were microperfused very locally to unmask the relative contributions of these components to the total excitatory drive, and their distribution along the spinal cord during swimming. 3. If the potentials remaining when all chemical components were blocked by Cd2+ were subtracted from potentials recorded after blocking nAChRs and GluRs with DHbetaE plus Kyn, a small unidentified component was observed. This component was blocked by the specific AMPA antagonist 6-nitro-7-sulphamoylbenzo(f)quinoxaline-2,3-dione (NBQX, 5 microM), so is glutamate mediated. 4. We used the potential measurements to calculate the relative synaptic conductances of the different synaptic inputs, and conclude that: (a) there is a rostral-caudal gradient in input during EPSPs and tonic depolarization; (b) the glutamatergic component accounts for most of the excitation, and decreases caudally; (c) cholinergic and electrotonic components are relatively constant in different positions along the spinal cord; and (d) these two components provide an increasing proportion of the input in more caudal neurones. 5. We propose that the glutamate components of excitation are fundamental to rhythm generation in the brainstem and rostral cord, while the electrotonic and cholinergic components ensure that the central pattern generator activates motoneurones effectively in all parts of the spinal cord.
Biológiai tudományok
Elméleti orvostudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
külföldön készült közlemény
Journal Of Physiology (London). - 511 : (Pt3) (1998), p. 887-901. -
További szerzők:
Wolf Ervin (1961-) (fizikus, neurobiológus)
Roberts, Alan
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
Saját polcon:
001-es BibID:
Első szerző:
Zhao, Fey-Yue
Asymmetries in sensory pathways from skin motoneurons on each side of the body determine the direction of an avoidance response in hatchling Xenopus tadpoles / Zhao F. Y., Burton G. B., Wolf E., Roberts A.
When swimming is initiated by tail stimulation in hatchling Xenopus tadpoles, the first trunk contraction is usually on the opposite side and directs the animal away from the stimulus. We have investigated how asymmetries in the skin sensory pathways mediate this response. 2. In alpha-bungarotoxin-immobilized tadpoles, intracellular recordings were made of responses to ipsilateral (ISS) and contralateral skin stimulation (CSS) in thirty-two presumed motoneurons. ISS evokes an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) followed by an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) whereas CSS only evokes an EPSP. Blocking the short latency IPSP evoked by ISS with strychnine reduced the difference in spike latency on the two sides but spikes still occurred first to CSS. 3. Motoneuron EPSPs evoked by ISS and CSS were therefore recorded during microperfusion of strychnine to block the short latency IPSP. We found: (a) the CSS-EPSPs have lower threshold, larger amplitude at a given intensity of stimulus, faster rising phase, and shorter latencies than those of ISS-EPSPs; (b) the ISS-EPSP onset latencies were longer than CSS-EPSPs and became shorter as the stimulus intensity increased while those of CSS-EPSPs remained little changed. At high stimulus intensities, EPSPs caused by CSS and ISS became similar; and (c) onset latencies of ISS-EPSPs had higher variance than those of CSS-EPSPs. However, this difference was reduced as the stimulus intensity was increased. 4. Since motoneuron EPSP onset latencies varied with stimulus intensity, we proposed that the pathway from the opposite side had stronger synapses from afferents to sensory interneurons. To test this proposal we built a neuronal population model of the spinal pathway from skin afferents, via sensory interneurons to ipsilateral and contralateral motoneurons incorporating this asymmetry. Inhibition was omitted from the model. 5. Simulated motoneuron EPSPs in response to skin stimulation on each side of the body showed the major asymmetries found experimentally. If the distribution and axonal projections of the interneurons in the two sensory pathways were made the same these differences remained. However, if the synaptic strength from sensory afferents onto interneurons projecting to the two sides were made equal, the difference between the two sides were lost. 6. We propose that the sensory pathway to contralateral motoneurons has more effective excitation from afferents to sensory interneurons which leads to these motoneurons firing first. At higher stimulus strengths, when population recruitment can blur these subtle differences in excitation between the two sides, inhibition normally plays a significant role to ensure that most first responses are still contralateral.
Biológiai tudományok
Elméleti orvostudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
külföldön készült közlemény
Journal Of Physiology (London). - 506 : (Pt2) (1998), p. 471-487. -
További szerzők:
Burton, G. Brian
Wolf Ervin (1961-) (fizikus, neurobiológus)
Roberts, Alan
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Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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