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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104602
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85141858760 (WOS)000894561800002
Első szerző:Bácsi Attila (immunológus)
Cím:Whole blood transcriptome characterization of young female triathlon athletes following an endurance exercise : a pilot study / Bácsi Attila, Penyige András, Becs Gergely, Benkő Szilvia, Kovács Elek Gergő, Jenei Csaba, Pócsi István, Balla József, Csernoch László, Balatoni Ildikó
Megjegyzések:The vast majority of studies focusing on the effects of endurance exercise on hematological parameters and leukocyte gene expression were performed in adult men, so our aim was to investigate these changes in young females. Four young (age 15.3 ? 1.3 years) elite female athletes completed an exercise session, in which they accomplished the cycling and running disciplines of a junior triathlon race. Blood samples were taken immediately before the exercise, right after the exercise, and then 1, 2, and 7 days later. Analysis of cell counts and routine biochemical parameters was complemented by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to whole blood samples. The applied exercise load did not trigger remarkable changes in either cardiovascular or biochemical parameters; however, it caused a significant increase in the percentage of neutrophils and a significant reduction in the ratio of lymphocytes immediately after exercise. Furthermore, endurance exercise induced a characteristic gene expression pattern change in the blood transcriptome. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) using the Reactome database revealed that the expression of genes involved in immune processes and neutrophil granulocyte activation was upregulated, while the expression of genes important in translation and rRNA metabolism was downregulated. Comparison of a set of immune cell gene signatures (ImSig) and our transcriptomic data identified 15 overlapping genes related to T cell functions, and involved in podosome formation and adhesion to the vessel wall. Our results suggest that RNA-seq to whole blood together with ImSig analysis are useful tools for investigation of systemic responses to endurance exercise.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
RNA sequencing
endurance exercise
whole blood transcriptome
young female athletes
Megjelenés:Physiological Genomics. - 54 : 11 (2022), p. 457-469. -
További szerzők:Penyige András (1954-) (molekuláris genetikus) Becs Gergely Benkő Szilvia (1973-) (molekuláris biológus) Kovács Elek Gergő Jenei Csaba (1976-) (kardiológus) Pócsi István (1961-) (vegyész) Balla József (1959-) (belgyógyász, nephrológus) Csernoch László (1961-) (élettanász) Balatoni Ildikó (1970-) (orvos)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00062
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070028
035-os BibID:(WoS)000414355700019 (Scopus)85032671503
Első szerző:Pfliegler Valter Péter (molekuláris biológus)
Cím:Commercial strain-derived clinical Saccharomyces cerevisiae can evolve new phenotypes without higher pathogenicity / Walter P. Pfliegler, Enikő Boros, Kitti Pázmándi, Ágnes Jakab, Imre Zsuga, Renátó Kovács, Edit Urbán, Zsuzsa Antunovics, Attila Bácsi, Matthias Sipiczki, László Majoros, István Pócsi
Megjegyzések:Scope: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the most important microbes in food industry, but there is growing evidence on its potential pathogenicity as well. Its status as a member of human mycobiome is still not fully understood.Methods and results: In this study, we characterise clinical S. cerevisiae isolates from Hungarian hospitals along with commercial baking and probiotic strains, and determine their phenotypic parameters, virulence factors, interactions with human macrophages, and pathogenicity. Four of the clinical isolates could be traced back to commercial strains based on genetic fingerprinting. Our observations indicate that the commercial-derived clinical isolates have evolved new phenotypes and show similar, or in two cases, significantly decreased pathogenicity. Furthermore, immunological experiments revealed that the variability in human primary macrophage activation after co-incubation with yeasts is largely donor- and not isolate-dependent.Conclusion: Isolates in this study offer an interesting insight into the potential microevolution of probiotic and food strains in human hosts. These commensal yeasts display various changes in their phenotypes, indicating that the colonization of the host does not necessarily impose a selective pressure towards higher virulence/pathogenicity.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
baking yeast
Megjelenés:Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. - 61 : 11 (2017), p. 1601099-1 - 1601099-8. -
További szerzők:Boros Enikő (1989-) (molekuláris biológus) Pázmándi Kitti Linda (1984-) (molekuláris biológus, immunológus) Jakab Ágnes (1987-) (biológus) Zsuga Imre Kovács Renátó László (1987-) (molekuláris biológus) Urbán Edit Antunovics Zsuzsa (1978-) (molekuláris biológus, genetikus) Bácsi Attila (1967-) (immunológus) Sipiczki Mátyás (1948-) (biológus) Majoros László (1966-) (szakorvos, klinikai mikrobiológus) Pócsi István (1961-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:MTA posztdoktori program
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