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001-es BibID:BIBFORM009298
Első szerző:Hajdu Zita (történelem-angol szakos tanár)
Cím:L2 Skills Preparation for Scholarship Students [elektronikus dokumentum] / Hajdú Zita, Silye Magdolna, Troy B. Wiwczaroski
Megjegyzések:Leírás a nyitóképernyőről, 2010.04.09.
The authors explore the reasons why there are deficiencies in pre-exchange preparedness of scholarship students, what may be done to correct them and the benefits in making changes for our students, as well as incoming ERASMUS students from abroad. One way to ease the consequences of such problems is proper mentoring activities, enhanced by using informal discussions in groups and informally prepared, extracurricular group projects. Another way to correct these deficiencies is through teaching intercultural communication to students. Subject material of such courses may be tailored to counterweigh students' prejudices and attitudes, which often arise from a lack of information, to bring the students from ignorance to knowledge, as well as from ineptitude to competence, to prepare them to dialogue with strangers. Only through proper preparation may our students reap the maximum benefit from time spent in study abroad, and ensure that visiting students better integrate into the student population here.
Hozzáférés: World Wide Web
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
L2 skills
L2 competencies
higher education
Megjelenés:ESP World : [elektronikus dokumentum]. - 8 : 2 (23) (2009), p. 1-7. -
További szerzők:Wiwczaroski, Troy B. (1967-) (nyelvész) Silye Magdolna (1949-) (angol-orosz nyelv szakos tanár)
Internet cím:elektronikus változat
elektronikus változat
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