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001-es BibID:BIBFORM120856
035-os BibID:(WoS)001203496000001 (Scopus)85191328954
Első szerző:Ábri Tamás (ültetvényszerű fatermesztés, növénytermesztés, növényvédelem)
Cím:Light response curve analysis of juvenile black locust clones: A case study from eastern Hungary / Tamás Ábri, Dániel Gaganetz, József Csajbók
ISSN:1212-4834 1805-935X
Megjegyzések:Assimilation (A) and photosystem II (PSII) efficiency value light response curves [A/PPFD and PSII/PPFD curves (PPFD - photosynthetic photon flux density)] of promising black locust clones (NK2 and PL251) and the registered Ull6i clone were analysed to study the net assimilation rates and PSII efficiency within the function of PPFD levels. The natural logarithmic regression functions fitted well to the measured data points for A/PPFD, R2 values varied between 0.9515-0.9884. For PSII/PPFD values, we used the exponential regression function with R2 ranging from 0.9948 to 0.9989. Except for PL251, the A/PPFD curves of the tested clones increased steadily with increasing illumination levels but flattened at the 600 umol.m-2.s-1 PPFD level due to the effect of photorespiration on the assimilation rate. For PL251, the A/PPFD curve decreased at the 1 200 umol.m-2.s-1 PPFD level. Unlike A/PPFD results, the PSII/PPFD exponential curve decreased as the PPFD level increased. Europe is forecast to experience significant negative climate change factors, including increased drought, heat, and irregular precipitation. Under such conditions, relatively drought-tolerant tree species such as black locust will play a vital role in new afforestation and uninterrupted wood supply. Consequently, growing and improving newly bred black locust clones, including the ecophysiological studies of relatively drought-tolerant clones, is increasingly vital.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Erdészeti és vadgazdálkodási tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
drought tolerance
photosystem II
Megjelenés:Journal of Forest Science. - 70 : 4 (2024), p. 202-207. -
További szerzők:Gaganetz Dániel (1998-) (agrármérnök) Csajbók József (1964-) (agrármérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:KDP-2020 1021122
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